Possible agreement on tax cuts for the middle classes
The other evening, the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, in a hearing in the Chamber, confirmed that the government will present the delegated law for the tax reform by the end of July and that this will be inspired by the conclusions of the proceedings of the Finance Committees of the Chamber and Senate, which held 61 hearings between experts in the sector, national and international institutions and are now preparing to finish the work. That is why the documents with the reform proposals that each political group has just filed are important. They are the basis for the difficult and delicate task that awaits the presidents of the two commissions, respectively Luigi Marattin (Italia viva) and Luciano D’Alfonso (Pd), who will try to arrive at a conclusive summary document that can gather the consent of the majority; complicated for a coalition ranging from Lega to Liberi e equuali. But, as Marattin says, a unique opportunity for Parliament, which always complains about the excessive power of the government, to have an impact, with a reform that has been awaited for many years and decisive for the relaunch of the economy. After reading the documents presented by all the groups, it is concluded that the success or otherwise of the operation will depend on the political choices of the parties, in particular Lega and 5 Stelle, rather than on the distances on the contents, which are also strong. Basically, if the choice is to run the Draghi government and make it make a qualitative leap with a historical reform, we could arrive at a law that revolves around the redesign of the rates and brackets of the personal income tax to lighten the levy on middle classes (28-55 thousand euros), a will that is found in all documents, albeit declined in a different way, and in the program of the government itself. If, on the other hand, the tensions in the majority rise, it will be easy to make the elements of conflict prevail, because the fact remains that in the documents each party has confirmed its identity choices. The League with the objective of the flat tax, the Democratic Party with the increase in inheritance taxes, Leu with the property on the richest and so on. Then there is a problem of no small importance: cutting taxes costs a lot. Many documents omit this point. But the government will not be able to do the same.
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