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Tax Reform Offers Discounts on Tax Bills and Fines: Benefits for Italian Citizens

The new tax reform could bring interesting news regarding fines and tax bills: a juicy discount.

Among the heaviest expenses that an Italian individual has to face during the year there are certainly tax oneswhich are frequently discussed by the government to redress the situation in our country.
The tax reforms they are the ones most awaited by citizens with the hope of having to pay less during the year.

Not just them tax billswhich are sent by the Revenue Agency for the collection of the various taxes and duties that a citizen is obliged to pay, but even fines which several Italians are forced to pay in order to pour money into the state coffers.
Two very heavy expenses which however could be less rigid in the coming months.

In recent months there has been a lot of talk about the scrapping of tax bills which aims to greatly facilitate taxpayers, but with the new tax reform which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies, other long-awaited benefits are foreseen.
Numerous discounts are available regarding both tax bills and fines.

Italians can smile again with the new tax reform

Italians have not experienced a great period from an economic point of view in the last three years, both in terms of the Covid-19 pandemic which brought all sectors of the Italian economy to their knees, both due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict which caused the sudden increase in bills and energy costs within homes.

Successive governments in recent years have attempted to improve the situation with incentives and bonusesbut the expenses for many families still remain very large and heavy.
The new tax reform which was first discussed and then approved by the Chamber of Deputies will once again attempt to revive the fortunes of our country and the citizens who live there.

According to news reports on the web, the Chamber of Deputies has approved the new tax reform discussed, but for now There is no official news yet regarding the IRPEF rate which may undergo further changes.
There was also discussion regarding the November advance payment for self-employed workers which we talked about in this article.

New discounts regarding tax bills and fines: the new tax reform

As regards IRPEF, even if there is no official news on the matter, there should be some important news regarding the rates.
If up to this moment there were four rates, the number should be reduced to three starting from 2024.
As we said, however, there is no official news on this yet and there could be variations.

The most interesting news, however, would concern the tax bills sent by the Revenue Agency and the fines that they should receive a significant discount.
According to the new tax reform a 30% discount should even be applied for all Italian citizens who have an accumulated debt that does not exceed 30 thousand euros.

This is a solution that is positive for the State because it would result in a collection safe of the amount, but also for citizens who would see their accumulated debts reduced by 30%.
A reform that would also go to minimize the risk of tax evasionincreasing controls on citizens’ bank accounts.

2023-10-07 18:30:00
#juicy #discounts #tax #reform #Fines #tax #bills #longer #problem

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