There is a new possibility for Italian taxpayers, often chased by taxes and the Revenue Agency. Here’s how to solve some trouble with the tax authorities.
The “Tax Peace”Has returned to agitate the political agenda of the parties of the majority, and especially of those such as Lega, Forza Italia, Movimento 5 Stelle, which want to influence the government to arrive at measures that will make it happen. The decree Supports ter allowed the budget committee of the Senate granted a new extension. The purpose is to get to the scrapping of the tax bills that fall directly on the Italian taxpayers, more and more difficulties with theRevenue Agency and forced to remedy situations where in the end they are forced to very high penalties.
Extended tax bills: who benefits from it
I’m over 500mila the Italians who at 31 December 2021 had not yet made peace with the Scrapping ter, which allowed you to put your accounts in order with the Tax. The decision to extend the terms seems to have been dictated by the conditions of international uncertainty due to the war between Ukraine e Russia, with the related consequences in terms of price increases on fuels, raw materials and energy. And that scares those who can hardly make it to the end of the month.
What is the Tax Peace and why is there more time to pay the Tax Bills
With “Tax peace” reference is made to the instrument that allows the taxpayer to pay the tax bills in installments by taking advantage of the cancellation of ancillary charges (such as arrears, penalties and interest) and, in some cases, to use the abatement of an important portion of the debt itself . To proceed, the government needs around one billion euros. Money that the Treasury is finding. With the extension, the Commission Balance the Senate provided an assist to those who were late with their payments Scrapping to have. The fiscal peace defer and the unpaid installments by the end of the year just ended, which can be paid by 30 April next (if they refer to 2020). Changes to all the terms, therefore for the installments due in 2021 the term comes to be that of July 31, 2022. And therefore: for the tax bills due in 2022, the deadline now becomes that of November 2022. You need to keep the calendar always at hand.