Home » today » Entertainment » Taurus has an explosion of emotions and Gemini learns the mistakes of the past: a horoscope for October 29th

Taurus has an explosion of emotions and Gemini learns the mistakes of the past: a horoscope for October 29th

♈ ARIES others will provoke you to risky events in the morning: don’t give in. Try to spend the day in a stable emotional state. Shopping is good in the evening.

♉ TAURUS waiting for not very good news in the morning. Analyze the situation from all sides and take everyone’s interests into account. Save your nerves for serious work. Literally in a week this situation will look completely different.

♊ GEMINI experience the consequences of their actions from the past. If the actions were directed against someone, accept the trouble without complaining. If you have noble deeds in your moral baggage, you can expect surprises.

♋ Shrimps the day will pass under the sign of change. If in the morning you have a good mood and an optimistic view of the world, in the afternoon it can get cloudy. Show yourself and others your ability to think logically and find a way out of any situation.

♌ FROM THE LIONS the day will be spent in a relaxed state. Let the situation go, it will resolve itself. Trust your closest friend and ask him for advice. Spend the evening in silence alone with an interesting book.

♍ CONTINUE luck will not accompany all things. Do some paperwork in the morning and set up a meeting in the afternoon. In the evening it is nice to take a walk with a loved one. Don’t stress yourself out and also don’t promise anything to anyone.

♎ SCALE, those who haven’t noticed before will pay attention to you. To increase your popularity, you need to do something unusual, but not out of the ordinary. Save your strength for future goals that will happen very soon.

♏ SCORPIO It will be a busy day as there are many health and financial problems to resolve. To avoid the exacerbation of chronic diseases, let the body rest during the day.

♐ SAGITTARIUS don’t expect grand events and make major decisions in the future. Spend the day in peace. Chat with colleagues at work. Dedicate the evening entirely to yourself and your family.

♑ CAPRICORN waiting for restraint and calm. It is favorable for them to deal with card analysis. Housewives can devote their time to general cleaning in the kitchen. In general, a day of communication, family reunions and friendly gatherings.

♒ AQUARIUS, your day is full of events: good and not so good. Look at everything that happens philosophically. Do not be angry if there is a material loss and moderately rejoice in the gains. This is how you keep emotional balance.

♓ FISH You have to be at work all day. You have to solve many problems and finish the accumulated cases. In the evening, try to fully restore your strength for the next working day.

Astrological forecasts presented by GadalkinDom.

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