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Tatyana’s Day 2024 – what holiday is today January 25th – history, signs

January 25, 2024, 00:30

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Every year Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the Day of the Martyr Tatiana. Another name for the holiday is Tatiana’s Day. Previously, this holiday was celebrated on January 25, but with the transition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to a new calendar, its date has changed. Now parishioners of the OCU celebrate the Day of the Martyr Tatiana on January 12.

history of the holiday

According to legend, the young Roman Christian Tatiana was tortured by pagans. But by morning the girls’ wounds always healed.


The pagans resorted to torture – they beat her with iron sticks, tried to burn her, and even threw her into the arena to a hungry lion, who did not tear Tatyana to pieces, but obediently licked her feet. No matter what they did, there were no traces of torture left on Tatyana’s body.

After this they decided to kill her with a sword. The day of the martyr’s death (January 12) became Tatyana’s day.

What is forbidden to do on the Day of the Martyr Tatiana

In ancient times, people had certain prohibitions on this day. In particular, on this day you cannot swear, slander, or wish harm on others.

On Tatyana’s day you cannot work hard physically, clean, wash, sew, knit, embroider.

You can’t leave a mess in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up for the holiday.

Folk signs on Tatiana’s Day

In ancient times, people believed in the following signs:

  • Snow for the holiday – summer will be cold and rainy.
  • Clear skies on this day means a cold spring should be expected.
  • If there are large snowdrifts, this means a rich harvest of grain.
  • Warm rain began to fall – towards early spring.

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