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“Tatort: ​​The Nurse”: Vienna crime thriller could rob you of sleep

Berlin / Vienna.
The new “crime scene” from Vienna is going to the kidneys – not just the inspectors. Eisner and Fellner look deep into human abysses.

There is hardly a better childhood memory than having a bedtime story read to you while you are asleep while cuddling up to mum or dad. After this “Scene of the crime: The wet nurse” However, the intimate picture is likely to have suffered considerable damage.

Ten-year-old Samuel sits chained in bed with a shocked expression on his face and has to listen to a story. He asks timidly: “Where is my mom?” And the man in women’s clothes next to him replies: “I am your mom!”

“Tatort: ​​The wet nurse” – psychological thriller guarantees sleepless nights

In view of this horror scene, the viewer’s blood freezes. By no means the only one, because the new case of the Viennese investigators Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) and Bibi Fellner (Adele Neuhauser) is a shock. A Psychological thriller, which scores with atmospherically dense, gloomy pictures and ensures sleepless nights.

Which, by the way, is to be understood quite literally with Bibi Fellner. The case hits her so badly that she doesn’t shut her eyes. When she and Eisner went to the crime scene are called, it is not only the extremely brutally murdered victim that attracts their attention. But also the fact that a child lives in the house who was apparently kidnapped by the perpetrator.

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“Tatort: ​​The Nurse” – viewers know who inspectors are looking for

The investigators quickly discover that the murdered woman was a prostitute and discover parallels to another case. First, Eisner and Fellner target Gustav Langer (Christian Strasser). A former violent criminal with a long criminal record who reported the murder anonymously.

But the viewer has long known the real one killer Janko (Max Mayer) and knows that he kidnapped two children. For her he transforms into a mother with a wig, pleated skirt and lipstick. However, with sadistic features.

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With make-up on, the psychopath Janko drones with crack. And he sneaks into the investigation. Pretends to be an undercover drug investigator from Graz who is on the trail of crack dealers.

Moritz Eisner checks his service number, which is confirmed immediately. This literally puts him on the black ice. Because Lieutenant Colonel Eisner’s criminal radar fails completely. Eisner even discusses the details of the investigation with Janko.

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“Tatort: ​​Die Amme” – Vienna crime thriller not only keeps Eisner in suspense

But it is not just the case that keeps Moritz Eisner in suspense. Also the concern for his colleague Bibi Fellner drives him. It drifts away during an interrogation, stumbles elsewhere, exhausted and weakened. The sensitive Fellner is at the end of her nerves. She can no longer stand the brutal cases. Obtains sleeping pills from a drug dealer in the middle of the night. But, driven by the fear for the boy, goes on completely exhausted.

For Moritz Eisner and Bibi Fellner, the murderer always seems to be within reach. And yet they are missing a crucial detail. But then her new assistant Meret Schande (Christina Scherrer) finds a third victim who survived the attack and remembers.

On the 50th use of Harald Krassnitzer as Moritz Eisner it goes deep into human abysses. Even the Viennese Schmäh doesn’t leave any comfort. Director Christopher Schier turns the story into a creepy shocker.

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“Tatort: ​​The wet nurse” – picturesque Vienna only dark silhouette

The camera is always very close to the figures, creating images in addition to atmospherically haunting moments as well as sequences of whipped fever. The otherwise so picturesque Vienna shows itself here from its dark, dingy side or at best as a nocturnal silhouette.

The visual power holds the “crime scene” together. However, Mike Majzen’s script has one major flaw: It doesn’t explain who Janko really is. And why he became a murderous psychopath. Just to mention that he hates prostitutes and believes he would be a better mother to their children, not convincing.

Janko seems like a cinematic reminiscence of Alfred Hitchcock’s Norman Bates from “Psycho”. Evil personified, so to speak. All in all, however, also thanks to the grandiose acting actors, a brilliant “crime scene” with a tremendous thrill.

“Tatort: ​​The wet nurse” runs on Sunday, March 28th. at 8.15 p.m. on ARD

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