Home » today » Entertainment » Tatiana Okupnik supports the Women’s Strike and thunders: “How is it possible that a MAN decides about my offspring, NOT ME?”

Tatiana Okupnik supports the Women’s Strike and thunders: “How is it possible that a MAN decides about my offspring, NOT ME?”

Recent a judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal on abortion aroused widespread public outcry. Dozens of media personalities have already taken a voice on the barbaric statement that Polish women will be forced to give birth to severely handicapped fetuses. Most of them agree that it is the woman who should decide about it, not the politicians.

The ruling of the Tribunal under the leadership of Julia Przyłębska It has also become a pretext for many celebrities to share shocking stories from their lives with the public. An example is Joanna Kurowskawho admitted that she had unfortunately given birth to a stillborn child. At the same time, she stated that she couldn’t believe that someone would have sentenced other women to similar psychological torture.

The occupier was silent for a long time about her problems. She became depressed because of her pregnancy

She also shared the difficult experiences of being a mother with the world Tatiana Okupnik. The singer already has a number of different denominations behind her, the purpose of which, as she herself claims, is the debunking of the myth of motherhood as a pure rose period in a woman’s life. It is no different now, and in the face of the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal, her words take on even more meaning.

After all, Tatiana also spoke about recent events in the country. The singer shared an extensive post on her Instagram in which she re-describes her experiences, this time in context freedom of choice and the possibility for women to decide about their own body. In addition, she mentioned a few topics that she had already raised in the public forum.


I have already told you about depression in the first pregnancy, I told you about the first, complicated delivery, lasting 33 hours, which ended in a cesarean section under full anesthesia. I have already talked about postpartum complications, about the swelling that makes it impossible to move, about the rectocele, about the stretched skin of intimate places, a “memento” of a huge swelling. I mentioned my second pregnancy, in which my sacrum broke in the fifth month. I told you about postpartum depression after the second birth – she wrote.

This time, however, Okupnik decided to share a story, the punch line of which is, of course, the key word of the ongoing protests –choice. The singer told how at the second childbirth in the United States she was offered the possibility of ligation of the fallopian tubes. She then refused, but asked for it in Poland when she realized that she did not want to have any more children. Unfortunately, this time the answer was negative …

In the USA, where I gave birth to both my children, I was allowed to make a choice before the second emperor, which had to be performed due to a sacrum fracture. The doctor in charge of the pregnancy, knowing my medical history and knowing that Tyniu was to be my second and last child, asked if I wanted my fallopian tubes tied during cesarean. (…) At that moment I said: No, thank you. In the summer of this year, I underwent another gynecological operation. Before surgery, I asked for tubal ligation. The doctor fully understood my request, but informed that this procedure is not fully legal in Poland. My reaction is shock, anger, misunderstanding -&nbspwspomina.

Tatiana admits that the doctor’s refusal upset her greatly, hence she understands the anger of women who are fighting for their rights in the streets of Polish cities today.


How is it possible that a man in my country can decide that I do not want or can not have any more children and I am not given that choice ?! I did not invite politicians to my bedroom and they should not decide what life choices I can and cannot make – he says.

The entire post was written by the artist, among others hashtags #free choice, #mybody choice, and #equalitythereby implying to the unaware that he fully supports the postulates of the Women’s Strike. However, judging by the warm comments, it was not even necessary, and the followers thanked her for her important voice in the nationwide discussion on recent events.

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