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Taskforce boss expects vaccine for children to be approved soon

(sda) The data should be submitted for approval soon. The virus is much less dangerous for children than for older people. Nevertheless, there are also severe courses and long covid in children. Therefore, children, like parents, should have a choice of whether or not to be vaccinated.

As a mother of two, she herself will have her children vaccinated as soon as the approval and recommendation of the therapeutic products authority Swissmedic come about. The authorities and the vaccination commission each checked very carefully whether the vaccines were safe, effective and recommended. She relies on this judgment.

She hopes that after the autumn break there will be fewer major outbreaks at schools than in summer. The population is sensitized and there are additional restrictions for unvaccinated people when traveling. The virus circulation will not decrease with the change of the season, but rather increase.

When asked whether the Swiss could celebrate Christmas normally this year, Stadler said it was looking good for vaccinated and recovered people. But precise predictions are difficult. Last year, just in time for Christmas, the first worrisome variant Alpha appeared. Just give Delta.

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