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Task Force: No KIPI has threatened lives during the COVID-19 vaccination in Aceh

There are absolutely no cases of death due to vaccination

Banda Aceh (ANTARA) – The Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that during the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac, there had not been any Post-Immunization Follow-Up Incidents (KIPI) that were serious or could threaten the safety of health workers in the province.

Aceh COVID-19 Spokesperson Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, Saturday, said the Indonesian Ministry of Health had classified AEFI as serious if a medical event due to vaccines resulted in death, the need for hospitalization, the remaining symptoms were persistent and life-threatening.

“So far there has been no serious AEFI with persistent sequelae,” said Saifullah Abdulgani.

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He said some time ago it was reported that there were cases of KIPI that had to be referred to the hospital for hospitalization, but not long after that the health workers returned to health.

“There are no serious AEFIs that have left sequelae. Death cases due to vaccination did not occur at all, and we wish it never happened, “he said.

He explained that the AEFI reactions that are often experienced after the COVID-19 vaccination are only mild symptoms similar to other immunizations such as local reactions, systemic reactions, and other reactions. Local reactions are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site.

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Systemic reactions such as fever, joint pain and muscle weakness, or headaches, said the spokesman who is familiarly known as SAG.

“Other reactions include allergies or fainting. All AEFI reactions after COVID-19 vaccination have prepared safe handling procedures, such as observation after vaccination for 30 minutes. If there is a KIPI, it will be handled directly on the spot, ”he said again.

He added that the COVID-19 vaccination in Aceh is still a priority for health workers. Until now, 52,024 people or 92.1 percent of health workers have already been vaccinated against the first dose of the total target of 56,472 people.

Also read: 2,049 health workers in West Aceh have been vaccinated against COVID-19

“Each person must be given two doses of Sinovac vaccine so that it provides optimal protection against the corona virus attack. “The second dose is given after 14 days of receiving the first dose,” he said.

Meanwhile, health workers who had received the second vaccination injection were 42,738 people or 75.7 percent. He said, so far there have been no reports of serious AEFI incidents during the vaccine injection process.

“This proves that the vaccine used is safe and God willing, it will be able to provide a high level of immunity against the corona virus attack. We show the fact that vaccination in Aceh is proven safe so that people are no longer deceived by false information about vaccines, “he said.

Also read: 20 thousand doses of the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Aceh

Reporter: Khalis Surry
Editor: And Salim

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