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Tarot horoscope for October 19, 2022: all signs of the zodiac

The horoscope of Wednesday 19 October 2022 according to the Tarot cards for all signs of the zodiac promises a busy and busy day.

Aries – Nine of Swords
This day can be associated with fears, bad forebodings, fears.

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You can lose faith in yourself and in tomorrow. You may feel helpless and alone and that your enemies are powerful and numerous. But it’s really just a nightmare, nothing more. Tarot cards assure you: you have no reason for such a state of mind. Get back on your feet and enjoy life.

Taurus – Sun
You have one of the best cards in the deck! Symbolizes happiness, recognition, glory, success. Even if today we do not live all this, the day promises to be very successful and positive. There will be a lot of pleasant communications, new plans and inspiration. Enjoy this day and solve as many questions as possible: today you are capable of anything!

Gemini – Death
Don’t be afraid, it’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s just that you are clearly hinted that it’s time to get rid of something that is stopping you from moving forward. Bury old things, old relationships that aren’t fun anymore, and even old beliefs if they lead you to a bind. By doing this important work, you will discover a new and better future for yourself.

Cancer – Two of Swords
The name of this card is Forced Truce. Today you can seek a compromise, a certain balance of interests, yet you will not come to a final decision. Feelings will fight with a cold mind. You will feel like you have lost your orientation in space and time. Tarot cards recommend relying on inner feeling and intuition when making decisions.

Leo – Emperor
You have a very good card. Symbolizes power and respect. Today you can find yourself in the role of not just a leader, but an authoritative leader of God. They will come to you for advice, rely on you, and count on you. This day can bring you professional growth and an increase in social status. Tarot cards recommend believing in yourself and acting with courage.

Virgo – King of Coins
This card depicts a person who stands firmly on his feet. The one who is called the true teacher. Perhaps similar qualities are required of you today. Organize repairs in an apartment, plan a family vacation, put your finances in order – there are many points of application for your economic skills. Tarot cards are advised to plan a lot on this day: everything conceived has a good chance of being realized.

Libra – Hanged Man
You have a difficult card. It seems that today you will find yourself in limbo and you will not be able to influence the situation in any way. Only observation and analysis. Here also be engaged in “flight analysis”. Why did this happen to you? Where did you go wrong? Rewind events and find it. Or just hang upside down and see the world from a new perspective.

Scorpio – Two of Cups
Today the Tarot promises you one of the best days for love, romance and warm feelings. You can get tremendous pleasure from communicating with your loved one or with friends. On the map, a boy and a girl exchange cups, offering to try theirs. This can mean both an exchange at the level of ideas, thoughts and feelings, as well as an exchange in a more intimate context. Look at the situation.

Sagittarius – Four of Swords
You might give up today. The desire to do something and say something will disappear. This card is about disappointment and “pause”. Anything can be the cause: your plans have been violated, the person you have high hopes for has failed, or your own strength has failed. One way or another, Tarot advises getting out of this state as quickly as possible. Nothing lasts forever, and problems too. Tomorrow will be a new day, new goals and new inspirations.

Capricorn – Temperance
This day can pass under the sign of the right measure. You will analyze the words and actions of the people around you and on whom your life depends in one way or another. You will compare what you have given to people and what you have received in return. The day can also be dedicated to finding the right balance in relationships with people and in managing one’s finances.

Aquarius – Seven Coins
It looks like you’ve been waiting for a result for a long time, but it’s not there yet. You have put in a lot of effort, invested money and skills in a great cause, but there is no return. Doubts may arise: “Why did I get involved in all this? It would be better to do something else. “But don’t rush to leave everything and walk away. Stock up on patience. Your” harvest “won’t leave you anywhere. It will be generous. Just wait a little longer.

Pisces – Come on
This day can become a day of victory over basic feelings. Or during the day when you have to fight them. The card depicts a woman subduing a lion. This is a suggestion that the most difficult tasks can be solved without the use of physical strength or even a brilliant intellect.

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