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Tarn. With the arrival of the highway, a couple asks to be… expropriated

the essential
Kafka in the south-west of the Tarn. With the future motorway between Toulouse and Castres, a couple from Montcabrier (on the border of Tarn and Haute-Garonne) discovered that a noise barrier was going to be built in their garden, 25 meters from their home. They demand total expropriation. But for almost 4 years, they have had no news

Jean-Noël Gilabert and his companion Emmanuelle Trevisiol have owned a house for more than 20 years in a place called La Borde du Pin, in Montcabrier, on the border of Tarn and Haute-Garonne. A beautiful residence, bordered on one side by the National 126 and on the other by a large and beautiful garden of nearly one hectare.

An idyllic setting which will soon see the future A69 motorway appear, linking Toulouse to Castres. This is where their story takes a Kafkaesque turn, worthy of a chapter of the Château… “In 2018, the first studies were carried out, explains Jean-Noël Gilabert. We understood that our house was located within the perimeter of the strip of declaration of public utility of the motorway project and that the reference route was positioned on our garden. Hear by this that according to studies, the highway should pass right in the middle of their garden, barely 25 meters from their home!

“The motorway was like a sword of Damocles, adds Emmanuelle Trevisiol. We knew very well that we would be concerned, we had been warned from the start. “For the couple, rather favorable to the Toulouse – Castres motorway project, the problem is more complex than it seems. “We were told that we were going to put a noise barrier in the garden… and since then, nothing, no news. »

A total expropriation

What Jean-Noël and Emmanuelle want are answers and a real solution to their problem. The couple wants a total expropriation of their home and, faced with the silence of the various actors (DREAL and dealer in particular), they have decided to appeal to several elected officials (see below).

“Studies were launched 4 years ago but we have never met anyone, breathes Jean-Noël Gilabert. Admittedly, the DREAL (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing) of Occitanie sent us information but nothing was clear. »

France Domaine (the State service in charge of evaluating the property of local authorities on the occasion of sales or exchanges) came to see them but they never heard back. “And again, the day they came, we weren’t warned, they took readings without saying a word, it was like a moon…” adds the couple.

For the moment, there is silence on the side of the side of the future managers of the project, the Atosca-NGE group. Jean-Noël and Emmanuelle nevertheless received, at the start of the year, a representative of the concessionaire and the company in charge of land acquisitions on the project. “Nothing came out of this discussion, it was sterile, plague the couple. They asked us if we had tried to sell the house when we know full well that we cannot sell it with such an important project. »

“We have to be compensated, there is a logic to that, underlines Jean-Noël Gilabert. The expropriation, everyone has to gain from it, the works will start more quickly and we will find our paradise elsewhere. Because there, it becomes more and more hell. »

Jean Terlier: “We need to find dialogue”

With the support of Didier Belaval, mayor of Montcabrier, Jean-Noël Gilabert and Emmanuelle Trevisiol quickly asked Tarn elected officials to help them. Starting with Jean Terlier, MP for the 3rd district of Tarn.
“We need the motorway but not to the detriment of the people who live and work in this area, underlines the deputy. I believe there are solutions, particularly in the case of La Borde du Pin. Jean Terlier sent a letter to the regional director of the DREAL in 2018 to alert them to their case and request the total expropriation of their home.

“We have to find dialogue, explains the elected official. The faster the proposed solution, the faster the work will progress. Everyone has to win. We have to support the project. The elected officials are the buffer, the interface between the inhabitants and the manager. If we do nothing, the opponents will recover this file, but we are open to dialogue. We must respect all the people who are impacted on the route. “A position shared by the two departmental councilors of the canton concerned (Lavaur Cocagne) Nathalie Joseph and Emmanuel Joulié.

Today there are about thirty cases of expropriation on the route of the highway according to the deputy. It usually takes two years to settle an expropriation case.

Work on the highway is due to start next year. The A69 will be 54 km long between Castres and Verfeil, which will join the A68. This motorway will have several exits: at Verfeil, Villeneuve-lès-Lavaur/Maurens-Scopont, Puylaurens, Soual est, and Saint-Palais, just before Castres.

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