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Tarn: the great outpouring of solidarity to help a family renovate their house

the essential
Craftsmen from all over the region, a rugby team and many companies have responded to the call of a Castresian to help a family this weekend, who lives in a mobile home with children downstairs. age, in order to renovate his house in Labruguière.

She no longer knows where to turn. Seeing this flood of cars arrive this Saturday morning at 8:30 am that disturbed the usual tranquility of the small hamlet of Gaux in Labruguière, Laeititia could not believe her eyes. More than 25 people responded to the call launched on social networks, and relayed in our columns, by his friend from Castres, Eric Oulès, to help this mother and her spouse to renovate their house this weekend.
“A weekend of solidarity” as this Good Samaritan calls it for the benefit of Laetitia, Ludovic and their 4 children who live in a mobile home on a plot of land in Labruguière next to a small house of 50 m2. But the building, which Laetitia inherited from her father, uninhabitable as it was, needed work to accommodate the whole little blended family. The couple, unemployed, have two children aged 3 and 5 but Ludovic is also the father of 16-year-old twins from a first union. The couple are not rolling on gold and have called on “not too expensive” artisans to carry out the necessary renovations. Craftsmen who planted them in the middle of the site with in addition poor workmanship.

Since then the couple have been trying to do things on their own and, to make ends meet, had to leave the house they were renting to finance the work. But the site is not moving fast enough. Faced with the precarious situation of his friends whom he knows through the association of supporters of Castres olympique Les Amis du rugby of which they are all members, Eric Oulès has decided to launch this call for labor and to the craftsmen to give a boost to this renovation. And the mobilization went beyond his expectations. “Initially, I was just planning to mobilize my friends. But this is huge. I am very happy to see everyone, loose Eric Oulès who organizes the work and dispatches the tasks of each. I hope that at the end of the weekend there will be at least one living room to finish and especially the bathroom ”. Because for the moment the family does not have hot water and must go to shower with friends.

“I don’t even know how to describe how I feel”

Laetitia and Ludovic’s house quickly turned into a real anthill. Tilers, drywallers, electricians are busy. And some come from afar. Like Patrick Ratel who arrives from Toulouse to lend a hand. “I saw the article in La Dépêche and I was touched by this family with children who live in a mobile home and the spirit of solidarity that there is around them, explains this electrician modestly. . I love to help ”.

And at the level of the arms, there was something to do. The US Labruguière senior rugby team has mobilized. “We saw the call in La Dépêche so we spoke to the presidents who also contacted our partners. And we recovered cans of paint, ”explains Nelson Gloriès. Twelve rugby players answered the call. “It’s normal to come to the aid of a family in the village who greatly deserves it,” adds Julien Galibert, the team captain. “Cohesion and solidarity are values ​​that speak to us”, loose Didier Hardy, president of the Friends of rugby who is also there with some other supporters of the CO. And many businesses and businesses in the region have also wanted to contribute to the building. Coprover in Castres, Tout faire Matériaux and Intermarché in Labruguière, Brico Dépôt in Soual and the Montagne Noire quarry in Dourgne donated equipment. The Rouanet caterer in Labruguière graciously brought the meal to feed all these volunteers at noon. The Marchese bakery in the village offered the bread.
And it is in a good mood and motivated that everyone got down to the task. “I do not even know how to describe what I feel, loose Laetitia moved to tears in front of this solidarity. I’m still lost. I am overwhelmed. It’s incredible. I tell myself that there are bad times and better ones. Here we are in the best. I savor everything that is happening this weekend. It is happiness “.
The family hopes to be able to live “as soon as possible” in their house and finally leave their trailer. Éric Oulès intends to organize a new weekend of solidarity “for the finishing touches” soon. “I even have interior designers who have contacted me and who will come and the Secours Catholique de Lavaur has offered a donation of furniture,” he explains, delighted to see his friends happy and filled with hope. This is the only reward he aspires to.

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