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Tariq Ramadan. One of his lawyers accused of a conflict of interest gives up defending him

Lawyer William Bourdon, Charged With Conflict Of Interest Charges He Disputes, Refuses To Defend Tariq Ramadan without waiting for the ethical decision of the chairman of the case, he announced on Thursday June 4.

Henda Ayari, the first woman to file a rape complaint against the Swiss Islamologist in late October 2017, seized the ethics committee of the Paris bar because, in the early days of the case, she had sought the advice of Me Bourdon.

The latter had prepared a note of advice and a draft press release for her, but she had not followed up.

Also read: Sexual violence. Tariq Ramadan indicted for the rape of two other women

“Serious untruths”

My interview with Ms. Henda Ayari had been brief and strictly no secrets or secrets had been shared. There were therefore no contraindications to the defense of Mr. Tariq Ramadan, defends the lawyer, who joined the Islamologist’s advice team in mid-May.

My choice to defend Mr. Ramadan was inspired by the desire to promote a calm treatment of the procedure free from all manipulation and all amalgams., explains the lawyer in a statement.

Gold, these conditions are unfortunately no longer met today, estimates Me Bourdon who denounces the diffusion, opportunistically, of the ethical complaint filed by Me Francis Szpiner, lawyer of Henda Ayari, leading to publications containing serious untruths and regrettable confusion.

Another Tariq Ramadan lawyer accused of conflict of interest

In these circumstances, not to withdraw was likely to hamper the defense of Mr. Ramadan, which is moreover in a public and complex file, where everything seems to be possible and “permitted” as soon as it is a question of achieving credibility of Mr. Ramadan and his defense, concludes the text.

Another recent lawyer for the preacher, Me Ouadie Elhamamouchi, is also accused of a conflict of interest by one of the complainants, Mounia Rabbouj, who seized the Bâtonnier of Bobigny. This woman, the third to have accused Tariq Ramadan of rape, facts for which he has not been prosecuted to date, criticizes the lawyer for having persistently approached him in mid-November 2018.

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