Home » today » News » Taranto, ballet of the sailors: the lieutenant protagonist risks being handed a penalty

Taranto, ballet of the sailors: the lieutenant protagonist risks being handed a penalty

The episode at the center of the controversy – In recent days, at the end of the swearing-in ceremony of an annual volunteer training course, at the NCO school of the Taranto Navy, the sailors – in uniform and framed in platoons in the forecourt of the barracks – performed the choreography of a dance of group on the notes of Jerusalem, the fashion summer hit on Tik Tok.

Taking the initiative and leading the choreography of the whole group was the course commander. From the video you can see that the officer first asks to turn up the volume of the music, because you don’t hear much, then starts dancing, immediately followed by the whole platoon, made up of men and women. All in uniform and with the rifle under their arm. Someone filmed the scene in a video, probably started from a chat, which was posted on social media and in a few hours it went viral, raising a lot of controversy inside and outside the navy.

The reactions – The top management of the Navy immediately started a disciplinary procedure accusing the lieutenant of having kept a behavior “not appropriate and harmful to his image and the Armed Force”, to have promoted and participated in an event “deplorable in form and substance”. The lieutenant could also risk immediate transfer to La Spezia.

The defence – “The intent of the officer, mother of a young child and moved by the best of intentions, was only to refresh the spirit of many young recruits subjected to exceptional precautions and isolation from the rest of the world” due to Covid emergency – explained the lawyer of the lieutenant, Giorgio Carta – It is surprising that the hierarchical scale, for facts absolutely harmless to the image and prestige of the Navy, has instead decided to start in record time even a procedure for the delivery of rigor, which is the most serious of the body sanctions, therefore reserved for behaviors of maximum alarm and discredit “.

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