Home » today » World » Tannya Varela denies links to the Albanian mafia – 2024-02-20 11:18:45

Tannya Varela denies links to the Albanian mafia – 2024-02-20 11:18:45

The former commander of the National Police broke the silence and categorically rejected the report that links her to the Albanian mafia

Asked Varela Coronelformer commander general of the National Police, categorically rejected the information that has been spread in recent hours that a statement links her to the Albanian mafia. “I am innocent, I enjoy my presumption of innocence as a fundamental right and I will defend my good name with resounding firmness.”

He said that the intention is to force, before public opinion, the idea that Varelataking advantage of his position, apparently favored criminal organizations and a series of additional basenesses that he flatly and categorically denies.

“I break that silence because, apparently, for many it is comfortable for me to remain hermetic while receiving their slanderous accusations against me,” he commented. She does not know if the events to which they are trying to associate her are real and that is the task of the competent authorities.

«They will never be able to link me in any way to any irregular act for the benefit of criminal organizations that I have fought during my professional life. “I never committed any irregularity, neither as a general commander nor as a civilian,” he added.

According to Ecuavisa, she stated that, to date, her appearance has not been required in the framework of any investigation. And if the authorities ask her to appear, she will be willing to do so. “I have not had the need to flee the country, nor hide.”

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