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Tanguy Viel, a “writer from everywhere”

Originally from Brest (Finistère), the writer Tanguy Viel met the public yesterday morning at the L’Esperluète bookstore in Chartres.

About twenty people took part in this meeting led by Olivier Lhostis, the manager of the bookstore. The author evoked there his style and his novels, in particular the last entitled The girl we call (Minuit editions).

Olivier Lhostis first introduced Tanguy Viel: “You are an author who honors ordinary people, you are neither a regional writer nor a regionalist, you are a writer from everywhere because your stories touch us closely. »

The author confirmed that through his style of narration, he tries to be as close as possible to his characters: “It’s like being their ventriloquist”, he explained. Tanguy Viel has already received three prizes for his various novels: the Fénéon prize, literary vocation prize, for his novel The Absolute Perfection of Crime , the RTL-Lire 2 Grand Prize and the François-Mauriac Prize of the Aquitaine region for Article 353 of the Penal Code .


In The girl we call , Tanguy Viel explores a psychological front, tensions, relationships of social domination around a trio of characters: Max Le Corre, boxer and driver, Laura, his 20-year-old daughter, and Quentin Le Bars, the mayor of a small town in Brittany. A real drama is tied from the first pages…

“I was inspired by current events, miscellaneous facts, which I try to transform into literary situations, confides Tanguy Viel. I then zoom in on events inside the characters, as if I had a microscope to better understand their ambivalence. »

The writer then exchanged with the readers present at the bookstore.

Convenient. The girl we call by Tanguy Viel from Éditions de Minuit, 176 pages. €15.

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