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Tangerang City Residents Concerned about Mosquito Outbreak and Dengue Fever Risk

Tangerang(Bantekita) Entering the extreme hot and dry season that is currently occurring. A number of Tangerang City residents complained because there were lots of mosquitoes in the neighborhood where they live.

As a result, residents are worried about dengue fever spreading in the surrounding area. Because, this has happened to their neighbors some time ago.

Rosayati (58), one of the residents of RT001/008 Tanah Tinggi, Tangerang City, said that since there has been no rain and entering summer it has been like this. “For the past month, there have been lots of mosquitoes every afternoon and evening. Like it or not, my family and I have to be extra careful not to get dengue fever, like resident 004/008 yesterday, Javier got dengue fever. “Even though the house is clean, it still gets hit,” he said when interviewed by Bantenkita.com on Friday (29/09/2023) at the location.

“Currently, I use electric mosquito repellent every night. Thank God, I also sleep soundly. Previously I used mosquito repellent spray, but it wasn’t effective. “The mosquitoes only ran away for a while, but there were more of them in my room,” he said.

“In the rainy season, it’s better if there are no mosquitoes, because the drainage is flowing water. Maybe the eggs were damaged by the water. But since the dry season is like this, when Maghrib ends, mosquitoes come out of the water channels. “It seems like he is nesting and breeding there,” said the woman, who is usually called Uti by her neighbors.

Currently, there is no attention from the local government regarding the problem of naughty mosquitoes in the community today. They also hope that there will be movement from health service officials regarding this matter.

“In the past, residents were given medicine to kill mosquito larvae, but now there isn’t any. Maybe we are waiting for the news to get excited about residents suffering from Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), then officers will take action to deal with it. If possible, take action as soon as possible, before there are more dengue victims. “Because we are worried about it affecting children,” he said.

Dayat (36), a resident of Kedaung Baru Village, Neglasari District, also said the same thing.

According to him, since there was drainage the environment has dried up. It is a very effective place for mosquitoes to breed increasingly rapidly.

“The mosquitoes are coming out of the manholes, what’s more, we’re not doing community service to clean the drains. “Oh, the mosquitoes on the nelors are even better, so humans don’t bother them, that’s their nest,” he said.

“I’m also confused about how to deal with mosquitoes that nest in water channels. In the past, people from the village were fogging. Instead of the mosquitoes dying, in the evening more and more of them came out of their nests. “And many residents here admit that, so I’m not the only one who experienced it,” said Dayat. (sam)

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2023-09-29 13:27:28
#dry #season #Tangerang #residents #complain #mosquitoes #dengue #fever #Banten

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