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Tanah Bumbu Police Investigates Allegations of Mass Poisoning of Residents

FAJAR.CO.ID, KALSEL — Tanah Bumbu Police, South Kalimantan Province, are investigating a number of residents suspected of mass food poisoning in Kussan Hilir District.

Head of Public Relations of the Tanah Bumbu Police, AKP Jonser Sinaga in Batuliсin, Tanah Bumbu Regency, Saturday, said that members of the Kusan Hilir Police Intelligence and Criminal Investigation Unit were Visit the Pagatan Nursing Center to carry out inspections and witness interviews.

“Members also provide security for residents or children who are suspected of mass poisoning,” said Sinaga.

He said that police officers also examined two witnesses, namely DN from Kusan Hilir District and HL from Kusan Tengan District, Tanah Bumbu Regency.

Tanah Bumbu Police checked the remaining food in the laboratory to find out what the food contained in the food which was suspected to be resulting in mass poisoning of residents.

“We will inform you of the results later, currently we are still in the investigation and examination process “Improvement of witnesses and taking samples of food,” said Sinaga.

It is known that ten people were suspected of experiencing food poisoning after consuming 40 packs of rice boxes from donors from Batuah Village, Kusan Hilir District, YT on Friday (20/10).

DN delivered the food to the residents of RT01, Manurung Village, Central Kusan District, HA, to be distributed to the orphans after Friday prayers. t.

In the afternoon, DN received information that a resident who consumed the box was experiencing nausea and was taken to the ER at the Peraw Community Health Center. Pagatan rules.

“So the provisional suspicion does not rule out the possibility that residents who are suspected of being poisoned have consumed the packaged rice,” said Sinaga.

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