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tampered with ATMs and fake e-mails

Bad news for Poste Italiane customers who have ended up in the crosshairs of scammers. Let’s go into detail and see what’s going on.

Watch yours savingsas the scammers are always ready, unfortunately, to extort money from the unfortunate person on duty with traps studied down to the smallest detail.

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In order to purchase the various goods and services of our interest, as is known, we must necessarily put our wallet in hand. Therefore, the circumstances in which we find ourselves having to pay out are different moneywith the latter ending up more and more often in the crosshairs of some bad guys.

Unfortunately, the customers of Italian post, recently caught in the sights of some scammers. In particular, some false messages that are likely to cause many to fall into the trap are a cause for concern. If all this were not enough, we always invite you to pay close attention to possible tampered ATMs. So let’s go into the details and see what’s going on.

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Poste Italiane, savings at risk: beware of fake e-mails

Starting from parcel blocked scam up to the fake shopping vouchers, passing through alleged anomalies on the account, there are so many deception attempts to which we must be careful. Unfortunately, those who end up more and more often in the sights of scammers are the customers of Poste Italianewho find themselves having to deal with various types of traps.

These include several attempts at phishing, through which the scammers try to empty the account of the unfortunate person on duty. All by simply sending e-mails or sms. In order to push the recipient of the message to send their data, for example, they inform the latter that he or she risks not being able to carry out some operations, such as payments, withdrawals and top-ups.

In reality, however, as it is easy to imagine this is not the case. Indeed, by carrying out this operation one falls into the trap. For this reason it is always good to remember that Poste Italiane, like other credit institutions, never sends messages of this type. In case of doubt, therefore, it is advisable to contact the Italian Post Office and above all never click on suspicious links.

Poste Italiane, savings at risk: watch out for tampered ATMs

In addition to online scams, we invite you to always be careful of possible scams that you can come across in everyday life. In this context, we invite you to be careful whenever you withdraw money from an ATM. Some scammers, in fact, to access the card data and the Pin place electronic devices right next to them ATM.

Several strategies used for tamper with ATMs, such as the positioning of tools through which to clone the card in correspondence with the slot used for the insertion of the card itself. But not only that, even tiny cameras turned on near the keyboard, or tools of various kinds positioned in the slot from which the money comes out in such a way as to be able to “trap” the cash.

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Situations, those just listed, which unfortunately occur much more often than one might think and for which we invite you to pay the utmost attention. In particular, before withdrawing at the counter, it is advisable to check that there are no tampered or suspicious components. In case of doubts, contact the employees of the institution in order to be able to carry out the appropriate checks.

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