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Tamara’s toughest confession: “My son has autism”


The singer, who has gone through a serious professional crisis, tells the details of the difficult situation her family is going through

Tamara, this week at a gala in Madrid.GTRES

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Tamara She was in the 90s one of the most recognized light song singers in our country and some abroad. The color of her voice and her great artistic connection with stars of the moment such as Luis Miguel or the incomparable Armando Manzanero, catapulted her to top of the music charts. However, his career has not always been a bed of roses. Thanks to Tamara’s participation in MasterChef Celebrity, we learned of the economic downturn after the closure of two businesses owned by her husband and his professional unemployed due to the pandemic: “I know what I know about fatigue”, explained.

However, and as we have been able to know through Hello!, economic issues have not been the great problem of the Sevillian. In his encounter with the publication, he gave light to a complicated situation that he lives with one of his four children: “I have never told this, but I am going to make it visible. I have my son Hector, the little one, who has an autism trait. “

According to the interpreter of If they let us I met the problem of the youngest of the house just two and a half years ago. As you have explained, at present, your child attends weekly therapy And, as he explained, the evolution of the little one is being very good: “He is growing phenomenally”.

Tamara has focused on the need for the investigation, since, sometimes, they do not have enough support: “Autism is super complicated, and there will be many more rare diseases that can appear in children and adults. “

It is a harsh circumstance that the singer carries with a very good spirit and, above all, with the help of her husband and three other children: “They help their brother a lot. At the third time I help him with his homework because I have been less studious. The two oldest are good students. “. A routine of life in which, as he affirms, he gets along thanks to the most important feeling that exists within his family: “Everything is better with love And that the couple you build that home with is side by side, shoulder to shoulder. There will be wonderful moments and very difficult moments, but you always have to be with a smile, with love, with affection and that you see the couple that we are for the children. “

A daily delivery in which they have had the help of their family and friends: “At first I did need help. Then everything was smoothed out. But I have asked for help, not now in the pandemic, I have always asked my friends for help and when friends ask you, you also offer it. “A disinterested support that, however, he has not found in his colleagues in the profession. “I had the support of my loved ones, but not of my colleagues.”

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