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Tamara lost her mother, but later won 10 million: ‘I preferred Mom back’

The lottery winnings came after an intense year for Tamara: “Our mom died in the summer of 2017. Her passion also made my passion to make my dreams come true. She unconditionally supported me, she was my biggest supporter. Just when I left the job she passed away. “

Tamara: “My mother had a tradition of buying state tickets with New Year’s Eve. Like everyone, you sometimes win ten euros, but that was it. After her death, my father kept her tradition. A few minutes before the store closed he still bought lots. “


At night it turned out that the jackpot had fallen on one of the tickets. “I didn’t believe it at first,” says Tamara. “And I thought, I don’t want that money, I want Mom back. But it felt like a gift from above.”

“The bizarre thing is: I already expected that so much money would come my way,” says Tamara. “When I was 27, I had a vision that I would be a millionaire at the age of 35. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I was convinced it was going to happen. I thought: maybe John de Mol will invest in my company?”

But the millions did not come, says Tamara: “I worked out all kinds of business plans, but was always rejected by banks and investors. In the end I was 34 and still not a millionaire. Very frustrating. But then that jackpot suddenly came.”

Suddenly Tamara no longer had to worry about money. Tamara: “I stopped working and traveled for several months. On that trip, in Bali, those plans came up again. I thought: fuck it, I can be my own John de Mol.”

It is a cliché, but Tamara also thinks: money in itself does not make you happy. “I had a traumatic childhood and I was depressed. Working on myself made me happy and I found my peace. Money in itself does not help. It is nice to be financially free, and you can have beautiful dreams But I’d still rather have my mother back, or have grown up in a loving family. “

This weekend Tamara is publishing a book about her life: Jackpot. She wrote the book because she says she has seen her millionaire status. “My book is about how to get the most out of your life by adjusting your mindset. People have forgotten how to live from their intuition. I find my story to be proof that you should listen to what your intuition is telling you.”

Weird expectations

Tamara was not bothered by people who suddenly came whining for money. “I didn’t deal with antisocial people like that anyway. But I did say goodbye to people who suddenly had strange expectations. And people sometimes say crazy things. When I was once sad about our mom, someone said: ‘you have no reason to feel sad, because you have a lot of money now. “

How do you handle millions?

A lot comes at you when you are suddenly very rich. After the first euphoria, this can also cause a lot of stress, says Harry Schoots, Private Banker at Van Lanschot. He is the contact person for winners at the Dutch Lottery, among others.

His tips for those who suddenly become a millionaire:

Take it easy. “Most people are not used to having that much money. It is wise to let it sink in for a while and not to make hasty decisions.”

Keep it to you. “My advice is not to tell too many people that you have won. People will look at you differently. If you already tell us, leave the exact amount in the middle.”

Don’t turn your life upside down. “If you live somewhere else and completely change your old life, the question is whether it makes you happier. Most people just keep working.”

Make a plan. “Discuss what your wishes are. Do you want a different house, or stop working? If you know that, you can make a financial plan together with an expert advisor. It is also wise to have your will examined.”

Keep your friendships friendly. “What I sometimes see is that people lend money to acquaintances with a company. But if that goes wrong, it can also spoil your friendship. If you want to help someone, you can also make a donation.”

Enjoy it. “If you suddenly have a lot of money, you can do fun things. Many people buy another car or go on nice trips. In my experience, there are few people who do really crazy things, most of them handle their money wisely Then it will enrich your life and that of those around you. “

“Fortunately, my friends say that I am still the same,” says Tamara. “I’m happy with that, because I hate people who suddenly start boasting. No one is more or less important than another.”

Clothes on sale

Despite her new wealth, Tamara consciously tries to handle her money. “I bought a Tesla and a small farm. But of course you don’t have to have ten cars at the door. And I bought a new wardrobe, but now I also buy clothes on sale again. Because I already have enough. I try to make wise decisions because you can only spend your money once. “

In addition, Tamara has started a platform where people can invest in sustainable products. “I think it is important to contribute to a better world. By investing in companies that want to make an impact, for example, are not very polluting.”

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