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Talking Cities: International Symposium on Art in Public Space: Exploring Artistic Practices in Bogotá

Every day, those who inhabit Bogotá witness artistic practices and expressions such as theater, music, dance, plastic arts, performance, sculpture, literature and heritage, through exhibitions carried out by dancers, singers, cartoonists, human statues, narrators, graffiti artists, muralists and other cultural agents, collectives and professionals who turn the capital into the largest open-air stage.

That is why from August 30 to September 1 will be held Talking Cities: International Symposium on Art in Public Spacean open event that seeks to bring the public closer to the subject of art in public space.

Within the academic agenda, topics such as transformation of territories, the right to the city and experiences of sustainability will be addressed.

See the profile of the panelists here.

The art manifestations in the public space that will be the central axis of the Symposium respond to the searches, works and survival habits of artists who day by day deliver different forms of interaction to the city. A mural surprises with its color, while a song makes its way among the multiple sounds of the street, a sculpture steals the gaze of those who contemplate it, when in turn a performance or an installation opens up new questions. Bogotá is transforming, offering new ways to inhabit it and rewrite it to become the place that speaks from the languages ​​and expressions of art.

Check the symposium schedule here.

Register and participate in the Symposium here.

This initiative is possible thanks to the Secretariat for Culture, Recreation and Sport (SCRD) en alliance with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)he District Institute of the Arts (IDARTES)he District Institute of Cultural Heritage (IDPC)he Administrative Department of the Public Space Defender (DADEP), the Kennedy’s Alcaldia, the Central University and the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano; in addition to the Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá, which joins this event with the extended slots of its free program of exhibitions and educational activities every Thursday until November 30 between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm

Within the framework of the first International Symposium on Art in Public Space, the Urban Art Day is celebrated on August 31 in memory of the urban artist Diego Felipe Becerra Lizarazo.

For the date, an intervention of Responsible Urban Art on a wall next to MAMBO, located on Calle 24 and Carrera 6A, inspired by uprooting, memory and identity; 40 urban artists from the Local Graffiti Tables and the Women’s Graffiti Table will participate there.

The SCRD and the MAMBO, in the celebration of their 60 years of artistic activity, come together in this activity that highlights the power of art to portray political movements, generate social changes, support the organization of community movements and honor the memory of those who have led carried out these initiatives in past generations.

In addition, work groups will be held that will seek to resolve questions related to these issues and whose results will serve for the construction of public policies.

“The Symposium will have panels, work tables, city tours, artistic interventions and pedagogical actions. The purpose is to generate reflections on problems that arise in the city and on how art can be a means to face them. We invite artists, students of arts, urbanism, architecture and the like; academics, researchers, cultural managers, public officials and the general public to be part of this knowledge meeting that recognizes the work of those who carry out these activities and the initiatives that have been developed from institutions, academia and communities”, says Catalina Valencia Tobón, Secretary of Recreation, Culture and Sport.

Scenarios such as the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, the Central University and the Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá (MAMBO) will be the meeting place where artists and citizens will meet to generate spaces for the exchange of knowledge about art in public space, of the by international panelists such as Blanca Fernández (Spain), Javier Almirón (Argentina), Carla Pinochet (Chile), Flor Goldstein (Argentina), Javier Peña Ibáñez (Spain) and Callahan Rojas (Mexico); and other national guests such as Juan Covelli, Edgar Guzmanruiz, Daniel Sánchez, Juaniko Moreno, Deysi C. Méndez, Edwin Fabián Ruiz “Trazo”, Quena Leonel Loaiza, Armando Buchard and Yebrail Martínez.

2023-08-28 17:29:11
#Attend #Symposium #Art #Public #Space #August #September

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