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Talk to promote the correct use of social networks in young people

Social networks and the use of new technologies they have become the allies of our times. The new generations and the previous ones grow between mobile devices, tablets or computers. With it, there are also social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Tik Tok. Applications for all ages and of which, in many cases, we do not know how they work and the consequences that they can have if they are not used correctly. Therefore, the Association of Progressive Women of Ceuta ‘María Miaja’ will give tomorrow the conference ‘Social networks and their dangers’ in the Public Library of the State ‘Adolfo Suárez’ from 4:00 p.m.

Students from the Gymnastics Federation of Ceuta will attend the event, but anyone who is interested can also attend to learn a little more about these applications. “The target audience is young, who are beginning to enter these worlds and are unaware of what it consists of,” explains Umkultum Sordo, social educator and member of the Association.

Education on this subject must be given from all areas. That is, from the family, the school or public entities. We have to make them see that they are useful tools,” says psychologist Nabila Mohamed.

Teenagers, who enter the ins and outs of the Internet for the first time, are unaware of its responsible use. A great exposure to screens, according to statements by this mental health professional, can lead to “problems”. For example, “the detriment of personal relationships”. From the mobile one acquires a courage that is later lost on the street. “If the latter are not encouraged, the person loses communication skills when speaking face to face.”

In addition to the above, “the stress or anxiety caused by being aware of the ‘likes’ that can be achieved in an Instagram photo, is also important to take into account,” says Mohamed. The use of filters for images distorts reality, it is even possible to increase “low self-esteem”.

That is why “young people are surprised when they hear this kind of reality.” Some encourage these types of problems without being aware of them. “The degree of maturation is not the same as ours, even the older ones do not realize the consequences.” Social networks, for decades have come to stay, will not disappear, but have become tools of the XXI century. Now, it is up to each one whether to use it correctly or not. Education is the cornerstone of this.

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