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Talk on blood donation held in Monte Plata

By Modesto Santana

The Town Crier, Monte Plata.- On Monday morning, the Aquino Torres Foundation (FUNDATOR) held the talk: “Blood Donation and its importance”, where two young representatives of the National Hemocenter, acted as central exhibitors and together with the Blood Donor Club of Sabana Grande de Boyá, explained important data about this practice, statistics, procedure, facilities and necessary formalities.

The activity took place in the assembly hall of the Monte Plata City Hall, where the mission of each of the organizations grouped in this activity was explained, highlighting that the National Hemocenter is the main axis of the National Blood Network, made up of 16 services, in the same number of public hospitals nationwide.

It was reported that the Blood Donor Club of Sabana Grande de Boyá and the Aquino Torres Foundation [FUNDATOR] They will be support channels for the National Hemocenter, which will work with people and families who require these health processes and emergency cases. In addition, it was explained how this cause can be supported and emphasis was placed on the importance of saving lives through blood donations.

The presidium table was composed of Miguel Angel Andujar Gatón, provincial director of Civil Defense; René Fabian, assistant to the municipal mayor Hector Figari; Valentin Javier, President of the donor club of the municipality of Sábana Grande de Boyá, Licda. Sabina Teresa Javier, president of the Aquino Torres Foundation [FUNDATOR]; 1st Lieutenant José del Carmen PN, deputy provincial manager of the DIGESETT; Hicha Viche, president of the Cruce de Toñe neighborhood council and the central speakers, Cristian Soriano and Joel Muñoz, from the Hemocentro.

Students from the technical high school in emergency care were also present at the site, along with Professor Juana Pascual, representing the Monte Plata Polytechnic City of Knowledge.

The following professors were present: Elasia Figari; Irma Figueroa; Andrea Soriano, Sonia Amalia; Roberto and Ramón Reynoso. Also present were Dr. Yudid Moreno; Silvia Tejeda representing the Lions Club; the Legal Officer of the SGB Donors Club, Licda. Tejeda; Dr. Rafael García; Francisco Contreras (Galalo) and Lic. Junior Leocadio, among others.

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