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‘Taliban’s manhunt for Americans and NATO employees’ | Inland

The conclusions contrast with the fundamentalists’ pledges this week that they would not retaliate against members and supporters of the fallen, Western-backed government. The report fuels growing doubts about that promise and suggests that the Taliban may indeed engage in retaliatory killings, as they did when they took over Afghanistan more than 20 years ago, the US daily reports.

According to the document, there are multiple reports that the Taliban have a list of people they want to interrogate and punish. The list also includes the places where the wanted persons are said to be. Members of the Afghan army and police, as well as people who worked for intelligence units of the overthrown government, are especially at risk.

The Taliban are going door to door. Relatives of targets are arrested or threatened with death or arrest unless the wanted associates surrender.

Wednesday’s document was given to the UN by the Norwegian Center for Global Analyses, a group that provides intelligence to agencies of the global organization.

To care

Foreign ministers of the G7 countries are very concerned about the reports of reprisals, British minister Dominic Raab said after consultation. The G7 also includes the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan. The ministers called on the international community for a joint response to the crisis in Afghanistan.

The heads of government of the seven countries will discuss next week the strategy to follow to prevent escalation in Afghanistan. NATO foreign ministers will meet on Friday afternoon to discuss the situation in the country.

Meanwhile, the Americans are working to increase the number of evacuation flights to get people out as thousands look to leave after the fall of the Western-backed government.

US senior military officer, Chief of Staff Mark Milley, said at a Pentagon news conference that the plan is to bring all Americans who want to leave Afghanistan to safety. He went on to say that the intelligence services had no indication that the Afghan armed forces and government would collapse in just 11 days. It was precisely this unexpectedly rapid collapse that caused the evacuation chaos. However, a report from the secret services does mention that doomsday scenario, but President Joe Biden also did not listen to it.

How did it get this far in Afghanistan and how far along now that the Taliban are in power? That and more in a new episode of the Defense and Security Podcast Delta Tango:

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