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Taliban want to return executions and chopping off arms and legs in Afghanistan / GORDON

According to him, the country will again begin to execute murderers and cut off the hands and feet of thieves, as required by Sharia law. But now there is a possibility that people will not be punished in crowded places, as before.

The last time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, in 1996-2001, they practiced punishment and public executions in stadiums and mosques. For example, those accused of theft were cut off their hands, for robbery on the road – their legs, and the murderers were shot in the head by the relatives of their victims.

Turabi noted that “cutting off the hands is very important for security.” He also added that the Afghan government is studying whether to apply punishments publicly and will develop appropriate policies.


In Afghanistan, by August 15, 2021, the Taliban with whom the United States signed a peace agreement in 2020, took control of almost the entire country, including the capital Kabul. Ghani fled abroad on the same day.

August 17 Taliban representatives gave the first press conference after coming to power, which, in particular, confirmed general amnesty for Afghan officials.

On September 6, the Taliban announced a seizure the last province of Panjshir not under their control and the end of the war in Afghanistan.

On September 7, the Taliban presented the composition of the new Afghan government, all of its members are Taliban, and the head, Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, was included in the UN sanctions list. The new government does not not a single woman.

EU criticized the composition of the interim government of Afghanistan due to the absence of representatives of various religious groups and women in it. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that Paris does not recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan and will not maintain a relationship with him.

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