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Taliban announces formation of caretaker government / Article

The Taliban regime, which came to power in Afghanistan, announced the formation of an interim government on Tuesday. The most influential positions have been entrusted to Taliban leaders, while the interior minister will be the leader of a militant group, Sarajud Hakan, who is considered a terrorist by the United States and is offered a $ 5 million reward for his capture.

The Taliban have also declared Afghanistan the “Islamic Emirate”. As expected, there will be only men in the Afghan government. All new leaders are on the UN Security Council’s sanctions list. The caretaker head of government will be Mullah Muhammad Hassan Ahund, while the deputy prime minister will be Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who is considered the de facto leader of the Taliban.

List of terrorists

Ahund is one of the group’s leaders and also held important positions during the previous Taliban rule. The UN, the European Union and the United Kingdom consider him a terrorist. Baradar was once sought after by the United States until the militant was captured and imprisoned by the Pakistani authorities. He was released eight years in prison, and in 2018, Baradar became the first Taliban leader to speak to the President of the United States. At that time, the conversation with Donald Trump took place after the signing of the peace agreement.

Sarajudak Hakani, a group led by the United States as a terrorist organization, has been appointed Secretary of the Interior. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced a five million dollar reward for hijacking Hakan.

Hakan is blamed for the 2008 explosion at a hotel in Kabul that killed six people, including a US citizen.

The Foreign Minister will be Amir Hah Mutaki, while the Minister of Defense will be entrusted to Mullah Jacob, the son of Muhammad Omar, the founder of the Taliban (Omar himself died of tuberculosis in 2013).

Protests against Taliban rule in Kabul

Taliban militants opened fire on Tuesday to wield a large-scale demonstration in the country’s capital, Kabul. The protests demonstrate the reluctance of many Afghans to live up to the strict Sharia law imposed by the Taliban and their commitment to fighting for their freedoms.

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Kabul to protest the Taliban’s rise to power and demand women’s rights. Protesters also dispelled slogans against Pakistan, as many Afghans believe the neighboring government supports the Taliban.

“We are not here just for ourselves or to get something, we are here to defend the future of our young people. We are here for our country. Why is Pakistan interfering in our internal affairs? The head of Pakistan’s intelligence service has been in our country for almost a week. What are they here? looking for? ” asks a protester.

Soon, Taliban armed with machine guns arrived at the protesters, firing a warning shot into the air for several minutes. The videos taken at the scene show that people are fleeing in panic to hide.

The Taliban also cracked down on journalists during the demonstration. The Association of Local Journalists claims that 14 Afghan and foreign journalists were detained for several hours. An Taliban confiscated a press card and a video camera from an Afghan journalist.

A Taliban official in charge of security in Kabul said people who believed in conspiracies by foreign special services had taken part in the protest march.

Concerns about retaliation against opponents of the regime

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, along with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, has meanwhile arrived in Doha, Qatar’s capital, to discuss ways to evacuate people from Afghanistan. It is reported that a verbal agreement was reached in the negotiations.

“We are currently making significant diplomatic efforts. We have also been involved with the Taliban, including in recent hours. They said they would allow people with travel documents to leave the country freely. We, as well as dozens of other countries, will follow suit to make it happen. and the Taliban will keep their promises, “Blinken said.

At the same time, the Taliban leadership has promised not to take into account the staff of the previous Afghan government and security services. However, there is growing evidence that this continues to happen in the country.

Addressing MPs in the British Parliament, former Minister Chris Brian has testified on a number of cases in which people associated with British forces in Afghanistan have been shot, tortured and raped. He called on the British government to do its utmost to ensure the evacuation of the former Allies remaining in Afghanistan as soon as possible.


The United States has completed its 20-year mission In Afghanistan. With the recent departure of American troops from Afghanistan, the longest armed conflict in US history since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks has come to an end.

The withdrawal of the US-led international coalition force was used to the advantage of the Taliban, which regained control of more and more areas of Afghanistan. August 15 “Taliban” in addition to the struggle also occupied the country’s capital Kabul, bringing almost all of Afghanistan back under Taliban control.

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