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Taking Nitrates and Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Simultaneously Increases Cardiovascular Risk: Study

▲ A study showed that taking nitrates, a treatment for angina pectoris, and drugs for erectile dysfunction at the same time significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. (Photo = DB)

[메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] A study showed that taking nitrate, a treatment for angina pectoris, and a drug for erectile dysfunction (ED) at the same time significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that taking nitrates, a treatment for angina pectoris, and drugs for erectile dysfunction at the same time significantly increases the rate of cardiovascular disease complications and mortality.

If blood vessel flexibility decreases due to dysfunction of the vascular endothelium or cholesterol plaques accumulate on the walls of arterial blood vessels due to atherosclerosis, it can have a negative impact on healthy blood flow.

Erectile dysfunction often occurs early when cholesterol plaques accumulate in blood vessels, leading to a decrease in blood vessel diameter and blood flow. If there are cholesterol plaques in the arteries leading to the penis, there is a high probability that cholesterol plaques can also accumulate in other arteries throughout the body. If the coronary arteries of the heart or brain vessels are affected, this can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Additionally, if cholesterol accumulates in the heart arteries, the heart cannot receive adequate blood flow and oxygen when the body’s oxygen demand increases, such as during exercise or sexual intercourse, and pain, or angina, may occur. Therefore, although erectile dysfunction treatment is often thought of in terms of sexual function, erectile dysfunction is a precursor to various cardiovascular diseases and can be used as a clinical marker for an individual’s future heart health.

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i), a treatment for erectile dysfunction, help improve blood flow by temporarily dilating the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis, and nitrates, a treatment for angina, also have the effect of dilating blood vessels throughout the body. there is.

Since both treatments have the effect of lowering blood pressure, taking both treatments at the same time can cause the effects to overlap, causing a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

Recently, the research team analyzed 61,487 men registered in the Swedish patient registry. 55,777 were treated with nitrates alone, and 5,710 were taking nitrates and an erectile dysfunction drug (PDE5i) simultaneously.

According to the research team, the mortality rate of patients taking nitrates and PDE5i simultaneously increased by 39%, cardiovascular disease mortality by 34%, and non-cardiovascular disease mortality by 40% compared to the nitrate treatment group alone. They were also 72%, 67%, and 70% more likely to develop heart attack, heart failure, and major heart disease, respectively, and 95% more likely to need cardiac reperfusion therapy.

Experts advise that if you are using nitrates and erectile dysfunction drugs together, it is best to stop taking one of them. Considering that PDE5i is a recommended treatment for erectile dysfunction, they evaluated that if PDE5i must be prescribed for angina patients, it would be advisable to use an alternative treatment other than nitrates.

[ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2024-01-25 09:36:22

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