It is never too late to worry about your financial future. Be it with a good savings or investment plan. Anyone who wants to invest can delegate their financial transactions, opt for a solution with investment advice or invest independently.
Whether and in which investment solution and in which investment strategy someone invests their money varies and depends on various factors, such as knowledge and experience, risk capacity and willingness to take risks, and investment horizon.
All the terms suggest that you need a lot of financial knowledge. But you don’t have to be a financial professional to invest the way you want. The PostFinance investing blog provides good basic knowledge. If you prefer to have a direct exchange with experts, you can contact professionals and ask questions during the consultation if anything is unclear.
By the way, investing is possible with just a little money: you can invest in a fund savings plan with PostFinance for as little as 20 francs a month. With a fund savings plan, you invest automatically and regularly in the financial markets, systematically build up your fund assets and benefit from the average price effect. The amount and frequency (semi-monthly, monthly, every two months or quarterly) can be determined according to your own needs.
2023-10-22 23:32:22
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