Home » Health » Taking Care of Your Heart for Life: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Premature Death

Taking Care of Your Heart for Life: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Premature Death

Cardiovascular disease remains one of the biggest causes of death in Belgium. In men they are second, after cancer, in women they are number 1, as shown by figures from Statbel for 2020. This year, more than 26,000 people died in our country from the consequences of cardiovascular disease, that is more than 70 per day.

So we should do as much as possible to keep our hearts in good shape. Taking care of our heart and keeping it in shape starts from childhood, and it is actually not good to think about it only when we start to experience the first problems or problems later in life.

“You have to take care of your heart for life,” says Professor Paul Dendale, heart specialist at the University of Hasselt (UHasselt), in a new podcast episode of the University of Flanders.

Dendale is concerned, among other things, with prevention: how can we ensure that our hearts last as long as possible and that we prevent premature death? Several new tools can help us with this.

2023-09-29 03:22:00
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