Home » today » News » Take note and follow these recommendations to deal with the rise in prices of some products in New Jersey | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Take note and follow these recommendations to deal with the rise in prices of some products in New Jersey | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

scan the qr code you see inscreen.hope: definitely onevery good help.the coronavirus has causedproduct pricesgo up, creating concernespecially in the families ofour area.now they struggle harder to get thereat the end of the month.explains what is happening andHow can we do, while thesituation returns tonormal.reporter: after the pandemicwe are paying sea for theproducts.jersey feel it too.>> if you observe thesesections aá, many sectionsempty than in a time beforethis was all full, fullto the top.reporter: one of those bridgesbetween the factories and the storefrom the corner of your house.this is a water of violets.>> roughly worth fiveolars, but now 7.25.reporter: and why is thischange?>> transportation, cost ofcomponents and so on.reporter: so you’re notselling this because you arewinning more for the pandemic, it isbecause it costs you more work,It’s hard to get thisproduct to be able to sell it.>> the most expensive that reaches theapples.reporter: with the pandemicaffected the chain they leadthose from manufacturers to their destination.sometimes it’s the ports,but there is no one to transfer them.these trucks are stoppedmonths ago, why is it?>> due to lack of employees.important chaindistribution.this is the end point to whichcustomers arrive, so thatcustomers can put it inthe sections and reach the public,which is where we want to go.reporter: the problem has donewhat businesses like these havefewer people to handlethis forklift.or to take care of organizingall the products that arein this area.or to scan theseproducts and package them inthese boxes.>> this has been like a lonelycoming from hell thatthreat of recoveryreporter: and the solution inhome is none other than saving,according to this economist.>> you are going to buy your food andclothing.it is important to know how muchyou are paying.reporter: expectedproducts like these followraising prices in thelast months, until theno one knows how to predict when it goes

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