/ 11 April 2023

Vishnu Prianggani Contributor
Recently, several social media have been busy showing Ariana Grande’s appearance which looks thinner after she got married and makes fans worry and assume that the famous singer is suffering from anorexia. Talking about weight, have you ever experienced or even to this day still have difficulty gaining or losing weight according to your wishes?
You need to know that actually everyone has a different body type. These different body types certainly require different treatments to maintain health. By maintaining health according to the body type we have, we will certainly get an ideal and healthy body.
Even though health is a very important thing, many of us do not pay enough attention to health. Therefore, there are some tips that can help us maintain health according to the body type we have.
Read Also: Want to have a healthy and fit body? Practice These 7 Simple Ways
Here are three types of the human body and how we can maintain health according to body type.
1. Ectomorph
This body type is the body type for those of you who feel very thin with not too big muscles and little body fat. Understand that those of you who have this body type actually tend to have a very fast metabolism which makes it difficult for you to gain weight. Therefore, the food that should be consumed must contain adequate and balanced nutrition. In terms of exercise, you should avoid cardio that is too intense, because this type of exercise can speed up your metabolism and make it even more difficult to gain weight. It’s best to just focus on weightlifting exercises that can help build muscle mass and promote weight gain.
2. Mesomorf
The mesomorph body type is usually athletic, with broad shoulders, a broad chest, and a narrow waist. Those of you who have this body type tend to have good muscle mass and little body fat. To maintain health, you should only focus on sports that include cardio training and lifting weights, because this body type is ideal for fitness and sports activities. In terms of food, you need to pay attention to adequate protein intake, so that it can help build and repair muscles.
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3. Endomorf
Those of you who find it difficult to lose weight, chances are your body type is an endomorph which usually looks round with a wider waist and more body fat. This body type tends to have a slow metabolism and it is difficult to lose weight. Therefore, so that you can maintain good health, you should pay attention to every food intake that is consumed and avoid foods that are high in fat or sugar. Instead, just focus on foods that contain enough fiber and nutrients. In terms of exercise, endomorph body types should focus on cardio exercises that can burn calories, such as brisk walking or swimming.
So, now do you know which body type you have? In addition to maintaining health according to body type, it’s also important to pay attention to some general things that can help maintain overall health, such as avoiding smoking and alcohol, getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress. Consulting a doctor or nutritionist is also important for you to get the right advice on how to maintain health according to your individual body type.
Maintaining a healthy body is important and as believers we must also remind ourselves that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought and the price has been paid in full: Therefore glorify God with your body!”
Maintaining a healthy body must also be seen as part of our responsibility as God’s people.
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