TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Heart is the largest organ in the body which is located in the upper right part of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm. This organ carries out several body functions such as production and excretion of bile, excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, and hormones and also helps in the activation of enzymes. In addition, the liver is also responsible for metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Therefore, liver disease can give rise to many complications that can inhibit many or all of these functions.
There are various types of liver disease or better known as liver disease, but most liver conditions develop in the same way. The stages of liver disease can be divided into four stages:
1. Inflammation
During the early stages, the liver becomes inflamed and swells. This occurs due to the body’s natural response to injury. Sometimes, excess toxins in the blood can also cause inflammation.
2. Fibrosis
If left untreated, inflammation of the liver can lead to scar tissue called fibrosis.
3. Cirrhosis
This is an irreversible condition in which the scarring of the liver is too severe. Cirrhosis is characterized by cell degeneration, inflammation, and thickening of fibrous tissue.
4. Liver failure
Liver failure is the final or most severe stage of liver disease. It is then that the liver stops functioning altogether.
Baca: This disease can be recognized from the nails, what are they?
One common sign that can be found on the fingers
Most of the liver symptoms only occur in the most severe stages which makes the condition very worrisome and dangerous.
According to experts, one of the common signs that is prevalent among patients is abnormalities in the nails. Although the exact cause of these nail changes is unknown, research from the Department of Dermatology at Sohag University claims that they may be due to decreased immunity, iron deficiency, anemia or old age.
The Department of Dermatology at Sohag University stated that the deformity accumulation is a common sign of chronic liver disease, especially primary biliary cirrhosis and chronic active hepatitis.
Also known as Terry’s nail, this condition is described as one in which the proximal two-thirds of the nail plate turns into a white powder with opacity ground-glass which may develop in patients with advanced cirrhosis.
Preliminary findings suggest that clubbing of nails caused by cirrhosis is not the result of a bone abnormality but results from increased peripheral blood flow by dilation of blood vessels in the fingers.
According to a study conducted by Egyptian researchers in 2010, changes chicken reported to occur in approximately 68 percent of patients with liver disease. Another study found that a total of 80.5 percent of patients with liver disease showed nail changes, marking a higher prevalence than found in previous studies. A 2013 study published in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences also noted nail changes in 72 percent of the patient sample.
Also read: Recognize Signs of Liver Disease Early on
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