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Tajani hears from Canada’s Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly


The Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Antonio Tajani, had a fruitful telephone conversation with the Foreign Minister of Canada, Mélanie Joly.
In highlighting the excellent state of bilateral relations, Vice President Tajani illustrated the guidelines of the Italian Presidency of the G7, starting from the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine.
“I wanted to thank my friend Mélanie for the spirit of collaboration with which Canada looks at the agenda of the Italian presidency of the G7. Rome and Ottawa share a common vision on many dossiers, starting with support for Ukraine against the Russian invasion” – said Tajani.
During the meeting, the two Ministers focused on the latest developments in the situation in Gaza and agreed on the need to avoid regionalization of the conflict and to accelerate the path towards a political and diplomatic solution that leads to a two-people, two-state solution. . “It is important to work together now also on the preparation of post-war scenarios, in order to give a concrete perspective to the actors in the region and to the civilian population. We must create a future of peace and stability for Gaza and for the entire region by thinking now about when the hostilities will end” – added Tajani.
In addition to confirming the Government’s growing attention to the Indo-Pacific region, the Vice Prime Minister offered Italian support for the Canadian vision on the Arctic. “The political attention of various countries is increasingly clearly focused on this region of the world. The G7 under the Italian presidency will not underestimate the strategic importance of this issue”.
“As the Italian Presidency we intend to enhance the political and strategic character of the G7 Foreign meetings: in the face of current international challenges it is necessary to strengthen the level of coordination and cohesion between the Partners” concluded Tajani.

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