Home » today » World » Taiwanese tricked to go to terrifying northern Myanmar region, warns global anti-fraud organization

Taiwanese tricked to go to terrifying northern Myanmar region, warns global anti-fraud organization

Life Center / Reported by Xiao Youchen

▲Sammy revealed that Taiwanese are currently being tricked into going to the more terrifying northern Myanmar region. (Schematic diagram/data photo)

Fraudulent parks in Cambodia are rampant. In addition to the Cambodian government’s efforts to suppress it, the United Nations also sent personnel to investigate. The fraud industry has quietly shifted to Myawaddy “KK Park” in Myanmar. However, some members of the global anti-fraud organization revealed that Myawaddy no longer wants Taiwanese people, but instead deceives Taiwanese people to the even more terrifying northern Myanmar region. He emphasized that “you can’t come back if you go to northern Myanmar.”

Sammy, a member of the “Global Anti-Fraud Organization”, posted through the PTT account Induction, claiming that Myawaddy KK Park in Myanmar is considered the best park for Taiwanese in the local area. Under the coordination, the Taiwanese victims of Phase 1 to Phase 4 of KK are currently cleared. There is no compensation, and even the lists that have not been submitted have been returned, and they can leave whenever they want.” Dozens of people have returned to Taiwan in the past two weeks, and there are still dozens of people waiting to be repatriated at the Bangkok Immigration Bureau.

Sammy bluntly said that Taiwanese people are generally not wanted in the local area now, and the buyers of the company ask them to lie to them that the property is from Fujian. After such a hard work, they simply do not buy Taiwanese. With Cambodia’s customs clearance and Myawady’s rectification underway, Taiwanese are now cheating in northern Myanmar. In the past, we didn’t send them to northern Myanmar because the toll was too high. Not only did we have to smuggle them through Thailand, but there were military guards between each of the four special zones in northern Myanmar.

But he said, “But if there is no place to sell it, we can only send it there. If you go to northern Myanmar, you can’t come back!”

Sammy also appealed, “Go to Thailand with a partner.” Last time, the victim who was drugged and fell from a building in Chiang Mai escaped with the help of God. For the second time, if you can come back, you will save your life.”

Sammy revealed that this week received more than a dozen cases. “Nearly 500 people came out of Myawady in the past 9 months, and Kokang (northern Myanmar) all added up to less than 20, (nearly) 1:30, this is the difference in difficulty.”

Sammy also said, “My personal attitude is that Thailand is not safe at all. Is it safe? I have been arrested by the police. What is there to say? At most, I will be refused entry. I am fine.”

#Park #longer #accepts #Taiwanese #Changed #cheated #terrible #area #International #Sanli #News #Network #SETN.COM
2023-06-12 09:41:00

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