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Taiwan Presidential Election Ends with Questionable Public Support for Lai Qingde

▲Although Lai Qingde (left) was elected president, he was questioned about his lack of public support. (Photo/Provided by Lai Qingde Bidding)

Reporter He Zhexin/Reporting from Taipei

2024-03-05 14:06:58 | 2024-03-05 21:12:40 The presidential election has ended. Although DPP Chairman Lai Qingde was elected president, he did not receive more than half of the votes, and the DPP did not have more than half of the seats in the Legislative Yuan. , it was questioned that the public opinion base was insufficient. Kuomintang’s new legislator Weng Xiaoling proposed to amend the “President and Vice President Election and Recall Law” to change the presidential election to a two-round system. If no one wins the majority in the first round, a second round of voting must be held 14 days later.

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Weng Xiaoling proposed to amend the “Law on the Election and Recall of the President and Vice President”. In the original law, only “the group that gets the most votes is elected.” The revised law has been changed to require more than half of the votes and more than 20% of the electors to be elected. If the second group is elected, If no one wins more than half of the votes in one round, a second round of voting will be held 14 days later. Taking the 2024 presidential election as an example, the number of voters is 19.548531, and the elected candidate must have at least 3.9 million votes. The total number of voters on the day is 14.048310, and the majority must have 7.02 million votes. In the explanation of the proposal, Weng Xiaoling mentioned that the number of votes for the president-elect is less than half, and the party to which he belongs does not have more than half of the seats in Congress. It lacks a solid public opinion foundation and will have the problem of underrepresentation. Therefore, referring to the legal system of Western countries, Taiwan’s presidential election will be changed from The current one-round voting will be changed to two-round voting to strengthen democratic legitimacy.

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2024-03-05 06:06:58
#Independencerejection #minority #presidentsWeng #Xiaoling #amends #law #president #elected #rounds #voting #million #votes #Political #News #Top #News #NOWnews #Todays #News

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