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Taiwan Is A Traveler Who Will Finally Return


Foreign Minister Wang Yi mentioned Taiwan is a traveler who will eventually return to the bosom of China. Photo/REUTERS

BEIJING – Beijing considers Taiwan as a “traveler” who will eventually return to his lap China .

Beijing also insists Taipei is not a chess pawn to be played by other countries. Chinese State Adviser and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the announcement on Monday (20/12/2021).

Beijing claims democratically self-governing Taiwan as Chinese territory.

Also read: Taiwan: Massive Communist China Invasion Will Be Very Difficult

In the past two years, Beijing has stepped up military and diplomatic pressure to assert its sovereignty claims, angering Taipei and deep concern in Washington.

Speaking in Beijing, Wang Yi said the cause of the current tension was the Taiwan government’s attempt to rely on the United States for independence. “And the United States and other countries that are trying to use Taiwan to control China,” he said, quoted Reuters.

“It is these misguided actions that have changed the status quo and undermined peace in the Taiwan Strait, violating the international community’s consensus and basic norms of international relations,” said Wang Yi, former head of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office.

“In response to this, China has taken strong countermeasures to shock the arrogance of those seeking Taiwan’s formal independence,” he said.

“Taiwan is a traveler who will eventually return home, not a chess pawn to be used by others. China must and will be reunited.”

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