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Taiwan, Canada: what changes for PVT this week?

Since the reopening of Taiwan to pvtists, there are only 2 PVT destinations still closed, Russia and Chile, inaccessible for various reasons, which will not be commented on here.


Applications for the Taiwan WHV have resumed since July 25. The process is therefore feasible now and open to all French people between the ages of 18 and 30 who can justify having received at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19. But Taiwan also offers the opportunity, to those who had obtained a PVT before May 19, 2021 and who were unable to leave (due to a health crisis), to reapply. This application is possible if the applicants have not been to Taiwan since this date, are still under 30 years old and have been vaccinated against Covid-19 (with at least one dose).

Some testimonials that make you want to leave!

  • L’interview de Jimmy, ici
  • Benjamin, who went on a PVT in Taiwan without speaking Mandarin, ici
  • and Céline, who had a big crush on Taiwan, ici :


Last week, a transfer of places in the system International Experience Canada (EIC)was announced, but some information was not entirely clear! The Canadian government site has been updated and these are therefore 500 places for internships and 350 reserved for professionals which have been added to the PVT quota and which will be distributed through new rounds of invitations. More information ici

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The website pvtistes.net regularly updates all information regarding safety measures travel restriction for PVT.

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