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Taiwan and China Coast Guards Join Forces in Rare Display of Cooperation for 17th Rescue Mission

Taiwan’s Coast Guard Rescues Chinese Fishermen in Rare Collaboration

Taiwan’s Coast Guard Rescues Chinese Fishermen in Rare Collaboration

A Taiwanese coast guard personnel carrying some roc flags after a flag raising ceremony was held near the sea shore of Pratas Island. (Image source: Alberto Buzzola/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Taiwan and China Join Forces in Coast Guard Rescue Operation

Taiwan’s coast guard has revealed that it has collaborated with China’s coast guard on more than a dozen rescue operations in the last three years, marking a rare display of cooperation between the two governments. The latest joint effort involves the ongoing search and rescue operation of a capsized Chinese fishing boat near the Kinmen Islands. The Taiwanese coast guard, working together with Chinese authorities, aims to locate and rescue the remaining two crew members of the fishing boat.

A Path to Cooperation Amid Rising Tensions

Amid growing hostility from Beijing and its claims over Taiwan’s jurisdiction, this act of cooperation between the coast guards shows a unique avenue of collaboration between the two sides. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has been adamant about the inevitability of reunification with Taiwan, even mentioning the possibility of using force. Taiwan’s recent re-election of the Democratic Progressive Party, an administration aimed at resisting Beijing’s influence, reflects the growing sentiment for independence and discontent towards unification.

Taiwan’s Importance as a Trade Partner

Despite escalating tensions, China remains a key trade partner for Taiwan. Taiwanese investments in the mainland have reached a total of $203 billion in the last two decades. However, cross-strait investments have experienced a significant decline as the threat of armed conflict and US-China technology disputes escalate.

Public Reaction and Ongoing Disputes

The joint rescue effort prompted mixed reactions on Chinese social media, where opinions ranged from considering this as a sign of Taiwan’s increased compliance with mainland China, to expressing dissatisfaction with Taiwan taking the lead in the operation. In previous incidents, such as the pursuit of a Chinese fishing boat in the Taiwan Strait, tension and accusations between the coast guards of the two sides have prevailed. Taiwan’s coast guard cited the loss of balance as the reason for the fishing boat capsizing, while one of the Chinese fishermen disputed this account, claiming the coast guard intentionally rammed their vessel.

In conclusion, amidst intensifying political and military fractures, Taiwan’s coast guard’s ongoing collaboration with China’s coast guard to rescue stranded fishermen demonstrates a rare opportunity for cooperation between the two sides. With Taiwan maintaining its independence and growing resentment towards mainland China’s influence, future collaboration in rescue missions strives to showcase a resilience towards diplomatic challenges.

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