Sharjah Award for Arab Creativity: Celebrating Young Arab Writers in First Edition Ceremony

Sharjah Award for Arab Creativity: Celebrating Young Arab Writers in First Edition Ceremony

This spring, after a few months, 18 Arab writers will receive the Sharjah Award for Arab Creativity “first edition,” amid an Emirati-Arab celebration of these young creativity from various Arab countries in stories, novels and poetry. As is known, this warm honor is not limited to the distribution of well-deserved awards, but there are also … Read more

The Tragic Absence of Arab Literary Legends and Critics: Unveiling the Cultural Decline

The Tragic Absence of Arab Literary Legends and Critics: Unveiling the Cultural Decline

Cultural festivals, especially poetic ones, and literary forums related to the novel and literary criticism reveal to us the magnitude of the realist tragedy in Arab culture, due to the absence of symbols of Arab poetry, and also, the absence of great Arab novelists, and professor critics of literature: poetry, short story, and novel..Look around … Read more