Reinforcements arrive for people over 30 to 39 years old in 17 municipalities – Dependencies Bulletins

Reinforcements arrive for people over 30 to 39 years old in 17 municipalities – Dependencies Bulletins

Guanajuato, Guanajuato, March 9, 2022.- There are 18 vaccination points available as of this March 10 for the application of reinforcements in 17 municipalities of Guanajuato for people between 30 and 39 years of age, from 8 in the morning and until 8 at night. Dr. Daniel Díaz Martínez, secretary of health, reported that the … Read more

The application of the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in minors is difficult for security reasons – Bulletins Dependencies

The application of the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in minors is difficult for security reasons – Bulletins Dependencies

– Guanajuato, Guanajuato, February 23, 2022.- The application of the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. in children between 5 and 11 years of age it is difficult in the state and in the country for security reasons, as reported by Dr. Daniel Díaz Martínez, Secretary of Health of the state of Guanajuato. He reported that … Read more

SSG informs what brand, component number and where the reinforcement will be applied this Wednesday for groups of 18 to 29 years of age.

SSG informs what brand, component number and where the reinforcement will be applied this Wednesday for groups of 18 to 29 years of age.

Guanajuato, Guanajuato, February 22, 2022.- Age groups from 18 to 29 years old will be able to access the reinforcement against COVID-19 starting tomorrow in 26 municipalities. The population from 18 to 29 years old who do not have any dose will be able to access a first dose in 17 municipalities and it will … Read more

Guanajuato prepares the day of reinforcement of vaccination to educational personnel – Boletines Dependencies

Guanajuato prepares the day of reinforcement of vaccination to educational personnel – Boletines Dependencies

Five headquarters will be enabled in the state. A dose of Moderna biological will be applied as a booster. Guanajuato, Gto. January 09, 2022. – The Secretariats of Education and Health of Guanajuato inform that it will be on January 12 and 13 when the vaccination booster day for educational personnel of public and private … Read more

MIQ is the headquarters of the 20th International Horror Film Festival: MACABRO – Boletines Dependencias

MIQ is the headquarters of the 20th International Horror Film Festival: MACABRO – Boletines Dependencias

Guanajuato, Gto., October 29, 2021.- The screenings of Los Mondays de Cine of the Don Quixote Iconographic Museum (MIQ) return in person as the headquarters of MACABRO: International Horror Film Festival of Mexico City on its 20th anniversary, recognized as the first festival of this genre in the country and one of the most important … Read more

Guanajuato Cradle of Industry 4.0 in Mexico and Latin America. – Dependencies Newsletters

Guanajuato Cradle of Industry 4.0 in Mexico and Latin America.  – Dependencies Newsletters

The Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, signs the Decree that establishes the State Day of the Mindbill. They deliver the Awards to the Information and Communication Technology Industry. Leon, Gto. October 05, 2021.- Within the framework of the Industrial Transformation Mexico -ITM- Industrial Night, the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, said that Guanajuato is consolidated … Read more

Cuerámaro, San Felipe and Dolores Hidalgo join the vaccination starting this Monday. – Dependencies Newsletters

Cuerámaro, San Felipe and Dolores Hidalgo join the vaccination starting this Monday.  – Dependencies Newsletters

Cuerámaro, San Felipe and Dolores Hidalgo join the vaccination from parti Guanajuato. Guanajuato September 18, 2021. The Guanajuato Health Secretariat informs that the municipalities of Cuerámaro, San Felipe and Dolores Hidalgo are joining the mass vaccination of people starting this Monday. The biologicals will be AstraZeneca and Sputnik V and the army of vaccinators from … Read more

SSG begins breast reconstruction of 24 Guanajuato in 5 hospitals. – Dependencies Newsletters

SSG begins breast reconstruction of 24 Guanajuato in 5 hospitals.  – Dependencies Newsletters

Guanajuato, Gto. August 23, 2021.- In coordination with the Brease Reconstruction Network Foundation (BRN), the State Secretary of Health began this Monday simultaneously in 5 locations an intensive day of breast reconstruction for 24 patients who overcame breast cancer. More than 48 health professionals participate, including nurses, anesthesiologists and plastic surgeons. The venues are the … Read more

The Roberto Plasencia Saldaña Bicentennial Theater presents a tribute to Daniel Catán, the composer who brought opera in Spanish to the world

The Roberto Plasencia Saldaña Bicentennial Theater presents a tribute to Daniel Catán, the composer who brought opera in Spanish to the world

It is presented as part of its 10th anniversary. Sopranos participate Angelica Alejandre Y Jésikka Arevalo; the mezzo-soprano Alejandra Gomez; the tenor Dante Alcala, the baritone Thomas Castellanos and the pianist Andres Sarre. Saturday August 14 at 7:00 p.m. León, Guanajuato on August 11, 2021. The Roberto Plasencia Saldaña Bicentennial Theater, from the Guanajuato Cultural … Read more

They strengthen the gastronomy and tourism of the Northeast of the state of Guanajuato – Boletines Dependencias

They strengthen the gastronomy and tourism of the Northeast of the state of Guanajuato – Boletines Dependencias

The state of Guanajuato and its destinations privilege sanitary measures with continuity of economic activities. San José Iturbide is a municipality with easy access to nearby municipalities such as Doctor Mora, San Miguel de Allende, San Luis de la Paz and Dolores Hidalgo CIN San José Iturbide, Guanajuato, August 10, 2021. A variety of family … Read more