Two Gonsenheim day care centers for supported early childhood education

Two Gonsenheim day care centers for supported early childhood education

„Familien brauchen Kitas und das Land braucht mehr Kitaplätze. Deshalb unterstützt das Land auch den Ausbau: 18 Aus- und Neubaumaßnahmen profitieren von dieser finanziellen Unterstützung, insgesamt werden so 755 neue Betreuungsplätze in unseren Kitas geschaffen. Sie sorgen dafür, dass unsere Kleinsten optimal gefördert und betreut werden. Die gute und flächendeckende Kindertagesbetreuung gewährleistet zugleich eine gute … Read more

European Soccer Championship in Frankfurt: The second day is peaceable

European Soccer Championship in Frankfurt: The second day is peaceable

Die Fan-Zone am banks of the Predominant it was packed once more on Wednesday evening for the German group’s second group recreation and so they needed to play at 6pm earlier than the sport began… 2024-06-20 22:03:40 #European #Soccer #Championship #Frankfurt #day #peaceable

Invasive Land Cordworms Threaten Soil Fertility in Dutch Greenhouses – Nature Today Report

Invasive Land Cordworms Threaten Soil Fertility in Dutch Greenhouses – Nature Today Report

Jan 2, 2024 at 7:35 AM Update: an hour ago So-called tropical land cordworms have been found in greenhouses in Amsterdam and Amersfoort. The animals ended up in our country via the pot plant trade and growers are anything but happy about that. This is the milky white landnemertine. These carnivores have a smooth body … Read more

Video: The author of the “Mish” cheese clip reveals new details to the “Observatory” about the secret of the worms inside it and the truth about eating it

Video: The author of the “Mish” cheese clip reveals new details to the “Observatory” about the secret of the worms inside it and the truth about eating it

Al-Marsad newspaper: The citizen Muhammad Al-Rashidi, nicknamed “Abu Habib,” revealed to Al-Marsad the details of the viral video clip of him receiving a gift from his Egyptian worker, which was an old cheese stored for 6 years called “mish” with worms inside it. Mish cheese The citizen said in statements to Al-Marsad: “Hazem brought me … Read more

Film “She said” on November 25th at the Bali Cinema in Alzey

Film “She said” on November 25th at the Bali Cinema in Alzey

ALZEY. (chel). Am Samstag, 25. November, findet der Internationale Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen statt. Aus diesem Anlass präsentiert die Gleichstellungsstelle des Landkreises in Kooperation mit dem Bali Kino den Film „She said“. Der Film startet um 16.30 Uhr. Im Anschluss bieten Mitarbeiterinnen des Frauennotrufs Alzey die Möglichkeit zum Austausch. Der Film erzählt … Read more

The Importance of Vaccinations for School Students: Ministry of Health and Population Reveals

The Importance of Vaccinations for School Students: Ministry of Health and Population Reveals

Written by Walid Abdel Salam Sunday, October 15, 2023 09:00 AM Revealed Ministry of Health and Population The importance of various vaccinations for school students to protect against infection and the risks of its complications. The Ministry of Health and Population continued: Vaccinations at school. If your child is in the second or fourth grade … Read more

Moringa Leaves: A Natural Remedy for Various Diseases

Moringa Leaves: A Natural Remedy for Various Diseases

Moringa leaves can treat various diseases. Moringa Leaves for Treating Herpes, Rheumatism, Worms, Kidneys, and Dark Spots. Photo: Antara Foto/Basri Marzuki MAGENTA – In ancient times, Moringa leaves were believed to have mystical powers. Moringa leaves are used to fight jinns and ward off black magic. Moringa leaves can also be used to release the … Read more