Sweden begins hunt for ‘Largest wolf population in modern times’ | Abroad

Sweden begins hunt for ‘Largest wolf population in modern times’ |  Abroad

Sweden started a big wolf hunt on Monday. Of the 460 now living in the country, hunters will be able to kill 75 within the next month. Animal rights activists are protesting the decision, saying it puts the animal’s survival at risk. The British newspaper The Guardian 200 hunters followed on Monday who started hunting … Read more

Premier League-Rashford scored in a row, Manchester United caught Wolves away to win 3-game streak-Sport-中工网

Original title: Premier League-Rashford scored in a row and Manchester United caught Wolves in away game to win 3 game streak CCTV News: The 18th round of the 2022/23 Premier League season will start at 20:30 on December 31 Beijing time. Manchester United beat Wolves 1-0 in an away game. Rashford scored consecutive matches and … Read more