The Impacts of the Teesta III Dam Breach on India’s Hydropower Plans

The Impacts of the Teesta III Dam Breach on India’s Hydropower Plans

Associated PressVehicles stuck in mud in affected area in Sikkim NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 12:06 The breach of the Teesta III dam in northeastern India early this month claimed dozens of lives and people are still missing. These types of disasters are raising doubts among more and more residents about hydropower plants, which play a major role … Read more

“The Battle between Fossil Fuel Sustainability and the Electrification of Transportation: Long-Term Forecasting for the Global Energy Mix”

“The Battle between Fossil Fuel Sustainability and the Electrification of Transportation: Long-Term Forecasting for the Global Energy Mix”

Amid the trillions of dollars invested in renewable energy capacity, the share of oil and gas in the global energy mix has declined by just a few percentage points Predicting what an industry will look like 20 or more years from now has always been a challenge. There are always unforeseen factors that have the … Read more

Taiwan wants to become greener, also as a weapon against China

Taiwan wants to become greener, also as a weapon against China

News hour Sjoerd den Daas correspondent China Sjoerd den Daas correspondent China A white steel wall is rising in one of the most geopolitically charged places in Asia. Windmills at sea, in the middle of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan wants to become greener, and at the same time hopes to become less dependent on energy … Read more