Guntur Nugraha is happy with his wife after 15 years of marriage

Guntur Nugraha is happy with his wife after 15 years of marriage

Jakarta – Guntur Nugrahaan actor who often plays on FTV, sharing sweet stories about his life with his wife, Metha Zulia, and their children. Guntur and Metha Zulia got married in 2009. Guntur emphasized the importance of finding a soulmate at the right time. He explained how he felt grateful that he had married young … Read more

Unmarried, Indian conglomerate inherited IDR 1.8 T for dog from brother

Unmarried, Indian conglomerate inherited IDR 1.8 T for dog from brother

Jakarta – Conglomerate Ratan Tata died on Thursday (10/10/2024) at the age of 86 years. The former chairman of the Tata Group is known as one of the richest people in India who unfortunately does not marry or have children. Because of this, the wealth and assets he left behind are discussed. Reports say that … Read more

Worse than the movies… A clever man used bigamy to make millions and his five wives lived in the same community for 4 years without finding out |

Worse than the movies… A clever man used bigamy to make millions and his five wives lived in the same community for 4 years without finding out |

China Will Get Corona Vaccine, This Is Why … Page all”>Jilin lived with five people “mnathan” aig an aon àm, agus bha iad a’ fuireach anns an aon choimhearsnachd. (Ìomhaigh / ath-riochdachadh bho pixabay)” width=”858″ height=”452″ onerror=”this.src=” https:=”” class=”p-article__img” data-v-3a325b93=””/> A man in Jilin lived with five “wives” at the same time, and they lived … Read more

Paula Verhoeven refuses to discuss third party issues

Paula Verhoeven refuses to discuss third party issues

Jakarta – One of the problems revealed Baim Wongwhen he was giving his first statement regarding the breakdown in his home, it was about allegations of betrayal. When asked about this, the lawyer said Paula Verhoeven he did not speak. He asked everyone not to jump to easy conclusions. SEVENTEEN CHECK TO CONTINUE WITH INDEX … Read more

Zul Zivilia receives many pardons for helping prison officials

Zul Zivilia receives many pardons for helping prison officials

Jakarta – a musician Zul Zivilia He has served five years in prison after being convicted of drug trafficking. Woman Zul ZiviliaRetno Paradinah, that her husband is currently willing to serve his sentence and has chosen to be active while in prison. SEVENTEEN CHECK TO CONTINUE WITH INDEX “There, Kak Zul was still playing music. … Read more

Ahessa says he lives a new life after marrying a Jordanian woman

Ahessa says he lives a new life after marrying a Jordanian woman

Jakarta – Ahessa’s words the son of the late Sys NS gives a happy story after migrating abroad. After breaking up with Wulan Guritno and going abroad, Sabda found his soulmate in Jordan. In her Instagram upload, Shanty shows Sabda Ahessa wearing a robe and turban. Shanty announced that his son is now married to … Read more

Funny moment when Gisel got sprayed by a gempi because she let go of her crush

Funny moment when Gisel got sprayed by a gempi because she let go of her crush

Jakarta – Gisella Anastasia tells about her funny time with her child, Gempita Nora Marten. This funny story is related to Gempi’s growing up years. Gisel explained that Gempi often talked about his male friends. However, Gempi was often angry because his mother always leaked this to the public. “Crush? Later, ask him (about Gempi’s … Read more

Information about the richest CEO of Nganjuk gardened by Netizens because Paddy turned to Rice

Information about the richest CEO of Nganjuk gardened by Netizens because Paddy turned to Rice

Surabaya – A remarkable moment occurred in the regional head-cawap debate in East Java. One of them was the Nganjuk Pilbup Debate. Nganjuk District Chief Ita Triwibawati presented a vision and mission that was very interesting. One of them is making a new product, that is paddy into rice. This caused an uproar netizen. They … Read more