European Soccer Championship in Frankfurt: The second day is peaceable

European Soccer Championship in Frankfurt: The second day is peaceable

Die Fan-Zone am banks of the Predominant it was packed once more on Wednesday evening for the German group’s second group recreation and so they needed to play at 6pm earlier than the sport began… 2024-06-20 22:03:40 #European #Soccer #Championship #Frankfurt #day #peaceable

Film “She said” on November 25th at the Bali Cinema in Alzey

Film “She said” on November 25th at the Bali Cinema in Alzey

ALZEY. (chel). Am Samstag, 25. November, findet der Internationale Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen statt. Aus diesem Anlass präsentiert die Gleichstellungsstelle des Landkreises in Kooperation mit dem Bali Kino den Film „She said“. Der Film startet um 16.30 Uhr. Im Anschluss bieten Mitarbeiterinnen des Frauennotrufs Alzey die Möglichkeit zum Austausch. Der Film erzählt … Read more

Burglary at a Gaststätte in Rüdesheim: Cash and Inventory Stolen

Burglary at a Gaststätte in Rüdesheim: Cash and Inventory Stolen

RÜDESHEIM. (red). Ein Einbrecher hat in der Nacht zum Sonntag Wechselgeld und Inventar aus einer Gaststätte in der Geisenheimer Straße in Rüdesheim gestohlen, wie die Polizei mitteilt. Der Gaststätten-Inhaber setzte die Rüdesheimer Polizei am frühen Sonntagmorgen darüber in Kenntnis, dass Scheiben eingeschlagen und das Inventar durchwühlt worden waren. Bargeld in Höhe von 150 Euro und … Read more

46th Film Festival for Young Audiences: Register Now for a Week of Competition and Interactive Film Experiences

46th Film Festival for Young Audiences: Register Now for a Week of Competition and Interactive Film Experiences

Anyone who would like to attend as a group, class or after-school club has until September 15th to register: The 46th film festival for young audiences from three years to young adulthood begins on October 5th. A total of 41 feature, documentary and animated films can be seen in competition until October 12th in the … Read more

Hesse Invests Three Million Euros in 30 Film and TV Projects to Support Local Talent

Hesse Invests Three Million Euros in 30 Film and TV Projects to Support Local Talent

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – In Hesse, 30 films and series are currently being funded with around three million euros. “Hessen Film & Medien is also supporting very different projects in this funding round, but above all the Hessian film talents. That is a particular concern of mine, as we are strengthening and further developing Hessen as … Read more

Large-scale Operation in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse: 254 Investigators Search 74 Apartments in Hesse

Large-scale Operation in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse: 254 Investigators Search 74 Apartments in Hesse

Large-Scale Operation in Hesse Targets Child Abuse and Child Pornography Wiesbaden – In a major operation aimed at combating the sexual abuse of children, 254 investigators conducted searches in 74 private apartments across Hesse. The accused individuals are facing charges related to child abuse as well as the creation, possession, or distribution of child pornography. … Read more

Almost 9000 students learned the profession of educator

Almost 9000 students learned the profession of educator

Home Education Hesse Wiesbaden Education – Wiesbaden:Almost 9000 students learned the profession of educator Mar 12, 2023 8:46 am Open detailed view A child plays in a day care center. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa/Illustration (Photo: dpa) Directly from the dpa news channel Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – In the 2021/2022 school year, 8,984 students were training to become … Read more

This state has the highest debt

This state has the highest debt

The amount of money Germans borrow from is unevenly distributed. At the top are the higher-income federal states. You have to be able to afford high debts: if you earn more, you obviously get more on credit – and the loan is also approved. This is shown by the current credit and debt atlas of … Read more

S8 is canceled between Wiesbaden and Frankfurt

S8 is canceled between Wiesbaden and Frankfurt

Due to a technical fault, there are currently cancellations on the S-Bahn route from Frankfurt to Wiesbaden. Between the stops Wiesbaden Central Station and Frankfurt Central Station will no longer have S-Bahn line 8 on Monday morning. The reason for this is a technical error, as reported by the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV).

Is the State Chancellery involved in the election campaign?

Is the State Chancellery involved in the election campaign?

Ever since Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced her candidacy, everything has been set for the election campaign in Hesse. The Hessian member of the state parliament Torsten Felstehausen criticized the actions of the Hessian state chancellery on Twitter. His accusation: The official account of the state government retweeted a post on Saturday morning that represented … Read more