Financial Market in Lebanon Expected to See New Movement After Eid al-Fitr Holiday

Financial Market in Lebanon Expected to See New Movement After Eid al-Fitr Holiday

After the end of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, today, Tuesday, banking sources expected that the financial market in Lebanon would witness a new movement, especially after the banks resumed their work. The sources suggested that the Banque du Liban would take the initiative, today, Tuesday, to maintain the last price of “banking” recorded before the … Read more

AVISO: Babeler presents his plan for the SPÖ agreement

AVISO: Babeler presents his plan for the SPÖ agreement

These are Babler’s next steps towards unification of the party + analysis of the Salzburg election Vienna (OTS) – On Monday, April 24, 2023, Andi Babler, Traiskirchner Mayor, Federal Councilor and candidate for the SPÖ presidency, will present his plan to unify the SPÖ. Of all three candidates, Andi Babler is most trusted to be … Read more

Fighting Depression: The Role of Sports and Medication

Fighting Depression: The Role of Sports and Medication

Tell me – Depression is fought with sports and going out into nature. Movement outside restores feelings of enjoyment for a person if depression is in its infancy, according to what mental health experts told Al-Hurra. However, medications remain necessary in many cases and must coincide with psychological treatment. Is it possible to dispense with … Read more

ORF stars cheer for audience awards at “KURIER ROMY 2023”

ORF stars cheer for audience awards at “KURIER ROMY 2023”

Vienna (OTS) – Coveted audience awards for ORF at “KURIER ROMY 2023”! This year’s trophies were presented on Saturday, April 22, 2023, during the gala of the Austrian Film and Television Awards in the Vienna Hofburg. The audience voted for ORF stars in five categories: Lisa Gadenstätter and Hanno Settele received the “ROMY” in the … Read more

Meta to Cut Hundreds of Jobs in London Amid Global Economic Troubles

Meta to Cut Hundreds of Jobs in London Amid Global Economic Troubles

Meta, the owner of the world’s largest social network, Facebook, intends to cut hundreds of jobs in the British capital, London, in the company’s latest wave aimed at cutting spending in light of the continuing decline in advertising and the troubles facing the global economy, which is expected to negatively affect companies. big technology. The … Read more

AVISO: Last election campaign of the KPÖ PLUS for the Salzburg state elections with Kay-Michael Dankl on Saturday, April 22, 2023

AVISO: Last election campaign of the KPÖ PLUS for the Salzburg state elections with Kay-Michael Dankl on Saturday, April 22, 2023

Salzburg (OTS) – On the last day before the Salzburg state elections, the KPÖ PLUS provided information in several districts and communities in order to convince Salzburg residents to exercise their right to vote. There is a real chance for KPÖ PLUS to enter the state parliament, but it will be close. Top candidate Kay-Michael … Read more

“Don’t Bring Others Down on Eid: Actor Abdul Majeed Al-Fawzan’s Message”

“Don’t Bring Others Down on Eid: Actor Abdul Majeed Al-Fawzan’s Message”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Actor Abdul Majeed Al-Fawzan sent a sharp message to those who interfere or “check” the affairs of others when meeting them on Eid Al-Fitr. Al-Fawzan said during his appearance in a video clip: “It is not my habit to dare to speak in this way, but from my point of view, those who … Read more

“What I Learned in 2 Years as Nets General Manager”

“What I Learned in 2 Years as Nets General Manager”

Original title: What have you learned in the past two years in charge of the Nets?Max: I have learned so much that I can publish a book What have you learned in the past two years in charge of the Nets?Max: I have learned so much that I can publish a book Live broadcast, April … Read more

American-Jewish Star Shulem Lemmer to Perform at Jewish Religious Community Salzburg’s Concert

American-Jewish Star Shulem Lemmer to Perform at Jewish Religious Community Salzburg’s Concert

Jewish religious community Salzburg wins top American-Jewish star Shulem Lemmer for a concert in Salzburg Salzburg (OTS) – At the invitation of the President of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Salzburg, Elie Rosen, the celebrated American-Jewish singer, Shulem Lemmer, will perform on May 4, 2023 at the Villa Vicina in Salzburg. The program for the Austrian debut … Read more

“Raiffeisen Wien Introduces the Going Green Loan to Support Ecological Investments”

“Raiffeisen Wien Introduces the Going Green Loan to Support Ecological Investments”

Due to the high energy prices, the demand for investments with ecological added value is increasing. The Stadtbank is now supporting such projects with the Going Green loan. Vienna (OTS) – In focus: Renewable energy, home renovations, low-energy houses and electric vehicles Bonus promotion until July 2, 2023: 150 to 250 euros, earmarked Additional cost … Read more