Arcangelica, to purify and control blood sugar

Arcangelica, to purify and control blood sugar

Herbs and spices to keep cholesterol, bloating and heartburn at bay– Aromatic plant belonging to the family of Umbrelliferae, l’archangelic it is characterized by very interesting benefits. Also cultivated in Italy, it is a source of precious nutrients such as vitamin A, an antioxidant and important for skin health as well as for the efficiency … Read more

Autumn diet with apples: control your weight and blood sugar

Autumn diet with apples: control your weight and blood sugar

Healthy gut, the 10 foods richest in soluble fiber– Autumn offers many opportunities for those who aim to take care of their health by controlling their body weight and blood sugar levels. In this category, it is possible to include the my, typical fruits of the last months of the year. There are several reasons … Read more

Yellow tea, to fill up with antioxidants and protect the heart

Yellow tea, to fill up with antioxidants and protect the heart

The 7 foods richest in polyphenols– ll yellow tea, the production of which involves a process very similar to that of green tea, is characterized by health benefits that are worth knowing. The preparation process of this drink requires a moment of attention as, despite the traits in common with the green tea, has some … Read more

Covid-19, access to mental health centers up 30 percent

Covid-19, access to mental health centers up 30 percent

The Covid-19 pandemic has a “hidden” impact, not recorded in the virus positivity bulletins or in intensive care admissions: worries and anxieties connected more or less directly to the virus, from the fear of contagion to work difficulties due to crisis, are hitting the mental health of the population hard. The #insiemeperlasalutementale campaign has just … Read more

Diet to reduce fat and lower blood pressure

Diet to reduce fat and lower blood pressure

The 9 diuretic foods against cellulite and hypertension– L’hypertension it is one of the most relevant risk factors for cardiovascular health. A condition that affects about one billion people worldwide, should in no way be underestimated. Luckily, there are many things you can do when it comes to keeping pressure under control. One of these … Read more

1500 more places in Medicine – From schools

1500 more places in Medicine – From schools

– – (ANSA) – ROME, JULY 1 – A window opens for future medical candidates. From the next academic year there will be 1,500 more places in the Faculty of Medicine, “making the most of the training capacity, considering both Medicine and the health professions, is the best we can do with the number of … Read more

The July diet. Reduce your waistline and protect your skin

The July diet.  Reduce your waistline and protect your skin

Sun, sea, desire to be outdoors and to take off some clothes. Too bad for that extra “roll” on the belly which makes us a little uncomfortable. And not just for an aesthetic question. In recent years, in fact, the many conscious nutrition campaigns launched by institutions and scientific societies have opened up the population … Read more