International Obesity Day.. Simple changes in your life that make you lose weight easily

International Obesity Day.. Simple changes in your life that make you lose weight easily

Written by Hanan Talaat Saturday, March 04, 2023 05:00 PM Everyone dreams Enjoying a perfect body And graceful and good health, but this is always associated with harsh dieting and hard effort, and not many people know that we can get that through very simple changes in our daily routine, so while the world celebrates … Read more

To lose weight.. Here are the 4 best breakfast foods to burn body fat

To lose weight.. Here are the 4 best breakfast foods to burn body fat

Written by Mervat Rashad Tuesday, February 28, 2023 09:00 AM Starting each day with a healthy breakfast or two is key if you want to lose weight. A nutritious breakfast can give you an energy boost and stop you from making unhealthy choices. Here are the best breakfast foods. To burn body fat everywhere, according … Read more

3 tips to stay fit to avoid weight gain after menopause

3 tips to stay fit to avoid weight gain after menopause

Written by Mervat Rashad Monday, February 27, 2023 11:00 PM Represent Menopause A crucial stage in a woman’s life is when the ovaries stop producing progesterone and estrogen and the menstrual cycle ends. Women go through several changes during menopause such as changes in hormone levels, mood swings, and insomnia. Some women also tend to … Read more

7 foods with negative calories to lose weight, including cucumbers and carrots

7 foods with negative calories to lose weight, including cucumbers and carrots

Written by Mervat Rashad Tuesday, February 21, 2023 07:00 PM Most people realize that when they try Weight loss Or increase it, they must take their caloric intake into account, a calorie is a unit of measure for the energy contained in food or body tissues. In order to lose weight, it is usually advised … Read more

Does diet mean hunger?.. How to overcome the pain of hunger while losing weight

Does diet mean hunger?.. How to overcome the pain of hunger while losing weight

Posted by Enas Al-Banna Tuesday, February 21, 2023 05:00 AM Losing weight is one of people’s top priorities at the start of the year. We’re so keen on getting fit that we start skipping meals, eating less than we need, and counting down macronutrients on a daily basis. However, there is a difference between feeling … Read more

5 essentials for healthy weight loss.. Control the amount of exercise and avoid supplementation

5 essentials for healthy weight loss.. Control the amount of exercise and avoid supplementation

Posted by Enas Al-Banna Friday, February 17, 2023 02:00 PM Avoiding junk food, eating healthy, and exercising is the story of every person who is deeply concerned about their weight loss journey. Weight loss Tough, you have to be in a calorie deficit and weigh yourself regularly to track your progress. However, many people only … Read more

news, diet, weight loss, hibiscus, health, tea

news, diet, weight loss, hibiscus, health, tea

Any person striving for an ideal weight wants to get rid of body fat with a minimum of effort. Many believe that this is impossible without a strict diet and intense workouts in the gym. However, there is a popular and affordable drink that will help achieve excellent results. What drink are we talking about? … Read more

Benefits of spinach for men | the concerto

Benefits of spinach for men |  the concerto

Books – Muhammad Amin: Spinach is a vegetable that is beneficial for all people, but it is especially important for men’s health, because it contains nutrients that help improve their sexual performance. Also read: Benefits of eating spinach in winter – get to know them Benefits of spinach for sex In this regard, Dr. Bahaa … Read more