Trial of the January 2015 attacks. Charlie Hebdo still lives under high protection

Trial of the January 2015 attacks. Charlie Hebdo still lives under high protection

Charlie Hebdo, it’s a life a bit apart , insists Fabrice Nicolino, economic journalist for the satirical weekly. He was present in the newsroom where ten people were killed, this January 7, 2015. I took three bullets in the skin, but I’m doing fine , sums up the man who had already experienced the attack … Read more

The CCL dollar and the MEP bounce after strong weekly falls

The CCL dollar and the MEP bounce after strong weekly falls

For its part, the dollar MEP -similar operation than the CCL-, rebounds 1.5% to $ 103.99 after having dropped 6.5% in the last five days, so the spread with the wholesaler widens to 47.7%. The drop last week came after the Argentine National Securities Commission (CNV) ordered last Monday a series of measures that deepen … Read more

Inbox: ATX chart technical: Support in the range of 2,224 to 2,249 points should hold

Inbox: ATX chart technical: Support in the range of 2,224 to 2,249 points should hold

Mailed from / found at: Erste Group Research (BSN note: scrolling text in the original from the sender, title (always) and illustration (often) by from the photo archive of From Erste Group’s Equity Weekly: The ATX loses 3.3% on a weekly basis, falling significantly below the 2,300-point mark. Support in the form of … Read more

Inbox: SBO volatile – there could be short-term trading opportunities

Inbox: SBO volatile – there could be short-term trading opportunities

Mailed from / found at: Erste Group Research (BSN note: scrolling text in the original from the sender, title (always) and illustration (often) by from the photo archive of From Erste Group’s Equity Weekly: In our new Company Report, we significantly reduced our estimates for SBO as a result of the corona pandemic … Read more

Coronavirus in Alicante: An Elda footwear company uses ozone to sterilize the 20,000 weekly masks it manufactures

Coronavirus in Alicante: An Elda footwear company uses ozone to sterilize the 20,000 weekly masks it manufactures

An Elda footwear company manufacturesabout 20,000 masks weeklyand it has implemented a system to guarantee the safety of both the material and its workers: the apparatuses manufacture the masks from home, which are then sterilized with ozone. They have already provided this equipment to hospitals, province health centers and security forces. The owner of the … Read more

Inbox: Strabag – performance update rated as price-neutral by analysts

Inbox: Strabag – performance update rated as price-neutral by analysts

Mailed from / found at: Erste Group Research (BSN note: scrolling text in the original from the sender, title (always) and illustration (often) by from the photo archive of From Erste Group’s Equity Weekly: In its trading statement, Strabag published key performance indicators for the first quarter. Output fell by almost the same … Read more

Fisabio and Public Health of Valencia will make 3,000 weekly PCR tests

Fisabio and Public Health of Valencia will make 3,000 weekly PCR tests

The Fisabio-Public Health laboratories and the Public Health Laboratory of Valencia of the General Directorate of Public Health (DGSP) will carry out 3,000 weekly PCR tests for the detection of Covid-19 per week. The autonomous secretary of Efficiency and Sanitary Technology of the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, Concha Andrés, and the general … Read more

Inbox: Investor sentiment should improve slightly over the next week

Inbox: Investor sentiment should improve slightly over the next week

Mailed from / found at: Erste Group Research (BSN note: scrolling text in the original from the sender, title (always) and illustration (often) by from the photo archive of From Erste Group’s Equity Weekly: The global stock index rose + 2.8% in EUR last week. The global index of emerging markets rose by … Read more

Concern rises over inflammation affecting children

Concern rises over inflammation affecting children

The alert is worrying and the many pending questions will inevitably fuel anxiety. For several weeks, several medical teams in Europe have been worried about the growing appearance of serious inflammatory syndromes in children, some of which are associated with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle). These teams wonder about the potential link with the … Read more

The powers were picked up by the Deputy Prime Ministers – Newspaper Kommersant No. 16 (6737) on 01/30/2020

The powers were picked up by the Deputy Prime Ministers – Newspaper Kommersant No. 16 (6737) on 01/30/2020

The distribution of duties of deputy prime ministers, approved by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Wednesday night, secured the widest range of powers for his first deputy Andrei Belousov, although with some exceptions compared to plans a week ago. So, he will not coordinate the activities of the Ministry of Finance, which was left without … Read more